Never Have I Ever: Part II

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Jas couldn't help but look over her shoulder to watch as Bruno carefully balanced the Pitcher, trying not to spill any of their disgusting concoction. After a few steps, he realised that it was far too thick to spill, and started to walk confidently, only to trip over his own feet and almost send it flying.

He's such a dork. She laughed to herself, knowing she was blushing still.

She tried pursing her lips together to wipe the giant smile off her face, as she felt the residual warmth of his chest. There was something about him, something she couldn't quite put her finger on. He was so open, so honest. So god damn funny. But something else was there. She couldn't quite get a read on it.

God she had such a crush on him.

She arranged the glasses on a small table, and slid into the pool. Angie drifted over on a lilo.

"You were up there a while. What'd you make, espresso martinis?"

"Nah, just having a chat and a laugh" She blushed.

Angie raised an eyebrow. "Someone caught your eye, have they?"

She clambered up onto a lilo next to Angie. "Is it that obvious?"

"Yeah, but don't worry, he's got that same stupid grin on his face. And he hasn't stopped looking at you since you got down here."

She snuck a peek over at Bruno, who immediately jumped at being caught, spilling the glass he was filling up. Jas blushed and looked away.

Najuma swam over excitedly, "Oooh this looks fancy, what's this?"

"It's called a Badgering Honey " Bruno announced, proudly, sitting on the coping and dangling his legs in the pool. "A Bruno & Jas special"

God, she loved hearing how he said her name. It sounded so good with his. Bruno & Jas. Jas & Bruno.

Najuma took a sip and looked over at Jas, confusion on her face. Jas held a finger to her lips. Najuma's face turned up in a sneaky smile. "Oh guys, it's delicccciouuuusssss "

With her approval of the drink, the other islanders gently swam over, each taking a glass.

"Wait until everyone has one!" Najuma called. "We'll do a toast".

Everyone held their drink, eyeing it greedily.

"To our cocktail champions, and to our two sexy new islanders".

Wheeyyyy s fell around the pool in a chorus, as the islanders all took a sip of their drink. Splutters and coughs followed immediately afterwards.

Angie burst out laughing, cringing and sticking her tongue out. "Oh my god, bleugh, it's so sweet"

Hazeem and Kobi puckered up their faces in disgust and pain. Will sipped his absentmindedly, though Jas doubted he'd even notice if it was on fire.

Thabi looked confused, taking a bigger sip of hers. "I like it! It's delicious!"

Angie looked down at her, warmly, "That's cause you're already sweet as can be, girl".

Will snapped to attention. "Alright, come on! No more delays! Let's play Never Have I Ever! I want to find out everyone's juicy secrets"

Angie sat up "Alright, I'll go first. Let me think... Never Have I ever... been engaged".

"Ooh, right into the drama" Will spurred.

Youcef and Najuma both took a sip.

As they both shared the stories of young marriage ending too soon, Jas found herself feeling a little self conscious. She'd never even been close to getting married. Her longest relationship had only lasted 8 months. It felt like forever at the time, but they'd broken up to go to Uni. She zoned back in to the conversation just as Youcef began his own question

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