A colourful twist

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God he's hot .

Her eyes were transfixed to the bead of sweat that was carving a path down his chest.

Up. Down. Up. Down .

She could watch him doing this all day.

The rhythmic motion of it. The way his abs contracted and released as his body curled. It was turning her on something awful. The muscles in his core shuddered, and she watched his legs tense as he completed the situp. God, she wanted to give him a massage or something. Anything to get her hands on that body.

He finished the set, and stretched his arms out in front of him, resting them on his knees, breathing heavily. "How many was that?" he asked.

Jas snapped back to attention.

"Oh... um... four?"

"Jas! Again!?" he laughed.

"I can't help it, babe. You're so bloody distracting!"

"That was at least six hundred. I'm sure of it."

She nodded, keeping a perfectly straight face. "Oh, at least , babe!"

He laughed, shaking his head. "I can't believe we're gonna get to do this every day."

Again? She wondered. She furrowed her brow at him.

"Babe... You've said that like, a hundred times a day for the last two days, baby. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah! 'Course" he smiled.

There was something uncertain in his voice. And on his face.


He looked at her.

"Tell me the truth."

He groaned slightly.

"Come on" she teased. "I'm your girlfriend. You have to talk to me."

"I'm just worried. That's all."

"Worried about what? Living together?"

He nodded. She felt her stomach flutter a little in concern.

"Jas, it's not you. I've just never done this before. I've never been this serious with a girl before, except for Jamie, and we all know how that turned out."

"I didn't turn you down, though, babe." she chuckled

"I know. I know. I'm just worried that you're gonna get sick of me... or I'm gonna do something to piss you off, or you're gonna hate living with me or somethin. And I know we've basically been living together here, but like... it's gonna be different on the outside."

"Different how?"

"I mean, we don't even cook our own meals. Or do our laundry. What happens if we don't like the same kind of takeaway? Or I put something of yours in the drier that wasn't meant to go in there, and it was like, really sentimental or something, and it gets ruined, and then you hate me? Or what if..."

Oh you sweet man.

Jas's face crumpled up in adoration. "Baby. You're spiralling."

He pouted at her.

"Look, we'll figure it out. Okay? I've never lived with a boyfriend either. It's new to both of us, but we're just going to have to figure it out as we go. And look... it's okay if you've changed your mind. I mean, you did ask me in, like, a post-blowjob glow ..."

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