Your favourite thing

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Bruno lost it. The combination of their poses, how out of character it seemed, and how fucking nervous he was made him crack up harder than he had in ages .

Bruno sighed heavily, trying to catch his breath. "Okay, so I'm not sure I even want to ask. But... have you watched the whole thing?"

They nodded at him. He groaned and covered his face in his hands.

"Where are you up to?"

"The night Dylan and Najuma left"

And the night he and Jas had snuck off to the roof terrace. Surely they wouldn't have shown...

He felt the blood rush from his face.

Bruno stood up. "Well, it was nice meeting you, I'll see myself out."

They cracked up laughing. Lisa patted his arm, pulling him back into his seat.

"Don't worry. Flick always watched it first, and told us when to cover our eyes."

"And ears" David groaned.

He groaned, covering his face again. "Oh god, I'm so sorry. This is the most embarrassing moment of my life."

"Really? Worse than the other one? You sure? " Lisa smirked, trying her best not to laugh.

Oh, fuck. His girlfriend's parents knew about Jamie.

"Mrs. Walker nooooooooo. " Bruno groaned. "You're not gonna remind me about that now? "

"Oh god, did you just call me Mrs Walker? Please call us Lisa and David. Please."

"Sorry, Lisa and David." he grinned

"Now. We obviously have questions about that... but we're not going to grill you about it. But the video, Bruno - oh my gosh. When you told everyone about it we had exactly the same reaction as Jasmine. I'm sorry. We were cracking up ."

He beamed at her. "God, you'd get on so well with my mum"

"Oh, I do! Gosh, she's lovely, Bruno. And Gabi too! They think the world of you."

Bruno's heart flipped.

"Lisa! You're not meant to tell them!"

The cogs turned in Bruno's head.

Oh god, they were back at the villa.

Jas was back at the villa, taking care of their doll-baby, stressed out of her mind, and about to meet his Mum and Gabi for the first time. How absolutely and utterly unfair on the girls. God, he hoped Gabi wouldn't give her too hard of a time. His Mum would already be absolutely smitten with Jas. He was certain of it. Nothing to worry about on that front. The fact he'd eaten vegetables around her would make his Mum beam with pride.

But Gabi...

Oh god.

If Gabi gave Jas half as hard of a time as she always gave him ...

Gabi was the kind of person who rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. Extremely headstrong, stubborn as all hell, and didn't let politeness get in the way of her saying what she wanted to. As the oldest, she'd always been the one to pick him up if Mum couldn't. She'd been the one stuck making his lunch more than a few times, too. Bruno knew how protective she was of him. And how her sense of humour could sometimes be... a lot. Where his was mostly lighthearted and silly, Gabi's humour was deadpan and sarcastic.

This time, I'm seriousWhere stories live. Discover now