Epilogue 3 of 3

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******* Author's Note ********

This chapter is half sickeningly cute and half disgusting smut. You have been warned.

Also, if you haven't seen the movie 'Love Actually' before... I highly recommend you watch this scene before reading this chapter. https://youtu.be/m_2q1rclwNE?t=26 before reading this chapter


He felt like his legs were going to give out. His hands were shaking. He felt like his whole body was. He wasn't even sure why.

"You alright?" Cora whispered.

Bruno nodded. "Brickin' it."

Kobi nudged him. "You'll be right mate."

Alex patted him on the back. "Don't worry. The second you see her it'll go away"

Bruno smiled gratefully at him.

Youcef leaned over "Zanna bet me fifty euros you're going to faint when you see her"

Bruno glared at him a little. "Yeah thanks, mate. That helps loads."

Youcef pursed his lips, silently cracking up. The minister entered via a side door, and walked over to them.

"How are you feeling, Bruno?"

"I'm okay. Bit nervous."

The minister raised an eyebrow at him.

"A lot nervous"

He'd been hesitant to go with a church wedding, but his Babcia had basically begged, and Jas adored her so much she couldn't say no. Luckily, they'd managed to find a priest who didn't mind doing the weird Orthodox / Protestant crossover wedding they had in mind. Everything always seemed to work out for them. It always just seemed to fall in to place. He always just felt so lucky th-

"Showtime, Bruno." The minister whispered.

Oh fuck.

Was it too late to throw up? Or pee? God he was fucking bricking it. He could feel himself sweating. Kobi reached over, squeezing his arm reassuringly, as the music started.

The doors opened at the other end of the church, and he saw his sisters walking in, in perfectly coordinating pink dresses.

He grinned. Of course they were in pink.

Behind Gab and Zanna were Angie & Flick. The co-maids of honour. In matching pink jumpsuits. He laughed. Standard. Angie and Flick weren't wearing dresses if they could help it. But both of them were already bawling their eyes out.

Behind them , with little baskets of flowers, were his and Jas's mums. They were giggling like schoolgirls, throwing flowers across the aisle, making everyone crack up laughing. When Cora had suggested it, everyone had loved the idea so much that it almost became a centrepiece of the day. Flower Mums instead of flower girls.

He locked eyes with his Mum, who had only made it halfway down the aisle before she was clutching onto Lisa, both of them sobbing.

But his hands started shaking again as the space behind them got bigger and bigger.

He exhaled. The priest motioned for everyone to stand.

This is it.

A chill went through his entire body, and he completely lost control of his jaw; feeling it hit the marble tiles of the church as she stepped through the door.

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