It's a hurting word

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I've decided to go in a slightly different direction to the ending of the actual game. So... please be aware, that while the events will *mostly* follow canon, there will be islanders who are dumped, fights that occur, and couples that end up together that are NOT the same as what happens in-game. I'm sorry to anyone who was hoping I'd keep following the game exactly... but this is genuinely what I think is the best for Bruno & Jas's story. And as always, I am super appreciative for the comments, kudos, and shoutouts on AO3, Wattpad, tumblr, reddit, and facebook. I don't comment under my real name on facebook, but just know, I'm definitely reading them! Thank you all so much. - The Author


"Please, sit".

Youcef motioned to the benches behind them, and Jas stepped toward them. He didn't release her hand, instead, somehow guiding her with it. He sat down next to her, precisely the right distance away to make her feel comfortable, but also make the hair on the back of her neck stand up.

Why was he having this effect on her?

She swallowed the urge to bite her lip as he traced his thumb over her hand.

"Jasmine... I.... I'm not really sure where to begin. I know that the last few days have been quite stressful for you."

She chuckled, and nodded. "That they have"

He smiled warmly at her. "I'm sorry I couldn't do more to make it easier for you"

"You did more than pretty much anyone. You've been amazing over the last few days, Youcef. Really. I mean it."

He squeezed her hand, sighing. "Obviously Dylan has been difficult to deal with. But I spoke to Bruno last night about how disgusted I was by his behaviour as well. Regardless of what happened between you and Dylan, you didn't deserve for Bruno to treat you the way he did."

Jas wasn't sure what to say... so she said nothing. They sat in silence, and he admired her slender hand in his, before looking her directly in the eye.

"I care about you."

Jas's first urge was to make a joke and brush it off, diffusing the tension... but she decided against it.

"I know."

"More than as just a friend."

"I know."

He raised his eyebrows slightly. "How long have you known?"

"A few days. Kelly told me that you'd said something in the beach hut. And Najuma said you liked me. And Bruno's definitely noticed."

His face cringed a little.

"Don't worry, he's not mad. I told him you hadn't said anything. And that if it was anything serious, you would have told me yourself... so I guess... he should be worried now?"

She furrowed her brow at her question, trying to elicit a smile from him. But he didn't smile. His face just looked sad. Resigned.

Youcef turned a little more toward her.

"Jasmine... I.... I'm sorry. I can't pretend any more that I don't feel how I feel. This isn't... oh, what is the word, when you like someone? And it's a hurting word?"

"A crush?"

"Ah, oui, a crush. Thank you. But no, this.. this isn't that. This is more than that for me."

Jas was mesmerised by how much emotion she could see in his face. She'd never seen him like this before. But... wow.

He blew air out over his lips. "I spend every day surrounded by some of the most beautiful people on the planet. Some of them are also very intelligent. Some of them are exceptionally kind. But you blow them all away across the board. I have never seen a woman as beautiful as you. The way your eyes change colour depending on the colour you're wearing. That one freckle on your cheekbone. The way your nose crinkles a little when you frown. You are breathtaking ."

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