Recoupling: again.

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"Valentina!" he called to her, as she started towards the villa.

She turned, jutting out one hip as she placed her hand on it. "Oh, hey babe! Where have you been, I've been looking all over for you"

"Oh, uh, Beach hut, with Jas"

"Oh. Right" her face dropped into a slight scowl.

"Listen, we need to talk. Like, now, if that's okay?"

"Sure, babe, why don't we go somewhere a little more private? Roof Terrace?"

He shrugged. "Sure, why not?"

She opened the door for him, eliciting a small bow from him, 'Thank you kind madam'. Cringe, Bruno .

He sat on a bench, and she sidled up close by, crossing her legs towards him. He shifted a little farther away. She leaned forward.

Whispering slightly, she leaned even closer to him.

"I knew you wouldn't stay away long"

He put his hands up between them. "Stop"

She looked at him, a little surprised, and sat back.

"This stops now. I'm sorry, I need to draw a line."

Her eyebrows shot up, and she scoffed slightly.

"Valentina, you're absolutely flames , but I don't want you to pick me tonight. I like Jas, I really like her, and I've already committed to seeing how things go with her. And right now, things are going really well. I don't want to mess it up, and I don't want to lead you on, either."

Her mouth hung open. He cringed a little as he continued.

" I think you're great, and I would like us to be friends. But at least until Jas gets sick of me, I don't see us as being anything more than that."

Valentina said nothing. Her mouth still hung open. Bruno tried to breathe as quietly as possible as she stood, without a word, and stormed off the terrace.

He smiled to himself

I think that went well!


Dressed and ready, Bruno chilled on the beanbags with the other boys. He stretched his arms over his head, arching his back and yawning loudly.

Kobi poked him in the side, making him suddenly jerk forwards.

"So who do you think Juliet and Valentina are picking, mate?"

"Oh god, honestly? No idea. I didn't even talk to you about how your date went. How was it?"

"It was great! I really like Juliet. I think she's a right sort. If I wasn't with Lexi I'd definitely be having a crack. What about you? Eyes on Valentina?"

"Nah, not me mate."

James raised his eyebrows at Bruno, surprised. "You're not interested?"

Kobi also looked a little surprised. "Really?"

Bruno looked between them. "No... why?"

Kobi continued. "Didn't Will talk to you about his date with her?"

Bruno looked over at Will, who was looking a little spaced out.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that. She's into you. Like really into you. Basically didn't stop talking about you the whole time."

"Oh" said Bruno, feeling a little awkward. "Well, um, it's not gonna happen, so..."

The boys waited for him to continue.

This time, I'm seriousWhere stories live. Discover now