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After a little while, Najuma and Youcef made their way down to the beanbags with everyone else. Both of their expressions were unreadable, but they at least seemed civil. As they joined everyone else around the pool, Bruno's cleared his throat to get everyone's attention.

"Okay, we're going to play a game" he announced.

Tiff clapped her hands happily. "Yes!! What's the game?"

"I'm coming up with it as we speak. Two teams, the Girls versus the Boys and Will"

Will beamed at Bruno. "Thanks, man"

Bruno smiled back at him, warmly. "The objective of the game is... to steal all of the opposing team's water bottles. Each player will have a target on the other team. You have to perform a trick on your target to get their water bottle. If your bottle gets taken, you have to come back to the kitchen."

Everyone squealed excitedly.

"But we have more girls than boys" Thabi said

Angie threw her hand up. "Oooh! Oooh! I'll be a boy!"

Bruno pointed at her, approvingly. "You just want to be on the winning team. But you got it, Ange."

"How do we know who our targets are?" Jas asked

"Yeah, and if we all have the same trick to pull on each other, won't it be easy to avoid?"

"They'll be uniquely assigned to you. By... your team captains. Captains will have to be immune and will wait in the kitchen. And as the clear leader of the group, I nominate myself as captain of the boys' team"

James, Will, Angie, Youcef, and Tom protested loudly. "Leader? "

Bruno hushed them playfully.

"Do I have a volunteer to lead the girls' team?"

Thabi's hand shot up "I volunteer as tribute!"

Jas immediately whistled and moved two fingers in the air.

Thabi grinned at her.

"Thabi! My girl. Let's discuss."

Bruno and Thabi moved up to the firepit, animatedly laughing and discussing. Jas grinned at how excited Bruno was by this all. He was such a big kid sometimes.

They stood, and bowed at each other dramatically, making everyone laugh. Then they shook hands.

"Girls! Over here please!" Bruno called.

Jas, Valentina, Najuma, Tiffany, and Cora joined him.

Youcef, Tom, Will, James, and Angie made their way over to Thabi.

One by one, Bruno took each girl aside, whispering in her ear.

Cora burst out laughing when he told her hers, grinning madly.

Bruno cupped his hand to Valentina's ear as he told her hers, and her eyes went wide, and she beamed at him. "That will not be difficult"

He'd left Jas until last, but wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her cheek as he leaned down to whisper in her ear.

"My beautiful Jas, my wonderful girl"

She blushed furiously.

"Your target is James. You have to sneak a spoon into his pocket to get his water bottle."

Jas giggled. "That's so random"

He grinned, kissing her cheek again, before releasing her.

Thabi called over. "Ready, Bruno?"

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