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"You go up, I'm just going to make a quick stop at the bathroom."

Bruno opened the door to the roof terrace.

Youcef smiled warmly at Bruno, patting the cushion near him.

"Ahh, Bruno, my friend. How are you? Come and join me."

Bruno sat down, shooting him a look. "Are you okay?"

Youcef waved his hand dismissively.. "Of course. Don't worry, I am over it."

Bruno leaned back. "I've got all day, mate."

Youcef sighed. "How do you do it, Bruno? You seem to be able to be so open about how you're feeling all the time."

Suddenly, the door opened a little, and Jas stepped onto the terrace. Youcef immediately sat up straighter, his smile warm and his eyes sparkling.

What the...

" Jasmine, ma belle. I hope you haven't come up here for me."

"Of course. We both have. I just had to make a quick stop."

"You are as beautiful and sweet as your namesake, Jasmine"

Bruno furrowed his brow, but let it happen. Jas didn't seem too bothered or impressed by it.

"Are you okay? We told Najuma that what she said was out of line. We're both here for you."

He watched as Youcef furrowed his brow, finally allowing his face to fall.

"I just don't know why she would bring it up. She knows I don't like to talk about it publicly. It was hard enough to talk about the first time."

Wow. That was easy . Bruno thought. He hadn't expected Youcef to open up so quickly to Jas. He'd barely even realised they were close. It made his stomach flip a little with worry. The world's smoothest guy...

"I'm really sorry she didn't respect how you felt. I don't know for sure, but if I might play Juliet for a moment..."

Youcef laughed, nodding at her to continue.

"When we asked Tiff and Kelly which boys they were interested in, they both said your name. Najuma looked immediately quite uncomfortable with it. I... I think she might be trying to sabotage your relationship with her. On purpose. Because it makes her feel like she's in control of the situation. So that you can't hurt her by choosing someone else tonight."

Youcef reached for her hand, and Jas let him take it.

Bruno suddenly felt... a little uncomfortable.

"It just makes it difficult. Because she won't talk to me about these things. Every time I try to have a conversation with her about us , about how I feel about her, or if I have an issue I need to raise, she runs away from me. Or changes the subject. Or brings it up in a setting she knows I won't be comfortable enough to have the discussion, like just now. And it is exhausting. It feels like... what is the expression... it feels like I am dragging her kicking and screaming into this relationship."

Jas smiled. Bruno didn't. He could hardly take his eyes off Youcef and Jas's hands. So comfortably entwined.

"I would be happy to raise this with her if you think it would help?"

Youcef smiled at Jas. "She listens to you. Maybe it would."

Jas nodded. "Then consider it done."

Youcef brought Jas's hand to his lips, kissing it. His eyes remained locked with hers. He was looking at Jas the way Bruno looked at her. With eyes full of adoration, admiration, and longing.

This time, I'm seriousWhere stories live. Discover now