1 monday

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I haven't been doing anything over the summer I got a The 1975 tattoo on my 18th birthday which was amazing. I stayed up till 4 am last night and fell asleep which was amazing because I was extremely exhausted all day yesterday.

I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched I opened my eyes and sighed. I threw my blanket off of me and got out of bed me my mom step dad step brother and step sister all live together.

I walked  into the bathroom and closed the door. I yawned and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom. My dad went to work at around 5 am my mom was downstairs playing on her phone.

I haven't gotten registered for school yet after I used the restroom I headed downstairs and walked into the living room. I said mom I have to get registered for school she said I know we are going tomorrow.

I said ok I'm going check the mail she said ok and I unlocked the front door and headed outside and closed the door. I walked down the porch and looked at my neighbors house on the left of my house.

I noticed a really nice black challenger I said oh shit that car is sexy and I laughed and walked down the porch.

I opened the mail box and closed it and started walking towards the house. I closed the front door and locked it and said no mail. My mom said ok remember Elle we are getting you registered for school tomorrow.

I said ok mom and I headed back upstairs and into my room. I went into my bathroom in my bedroom and closed the door and used the restroom.

I walked out of the bathroom and locked my bedroom door and turned on the fan and turned on some music. I walked over to my window and opened my curtain and started picking out clean clothes.

I started jamming out to music and smiled and picked out a lotion and body spray. I went into my bathroom and turned on the shower and got out of my clothes and brushed my hair.

I got into the shower and smiled when the hot water hit my skin. An hour later I got out of the shower and put on a towel and walked out of my bathroom.

I noticed my neighbors window was open I said huh ok cool I guess I laughed and held my towel and walked in my room. I yawned and stretched and grabbed my phone and started playing on it while I dried off.

A little while later I went back into my bathroom and changed and walked out and picked my dirty clothes. I sprayed some body spray on and used a lotion and picked them up.

I plugged my phone in and cleaned my face and did some skin care for a hour. After I finished doing that I got up and closed my curtains and went downstairs and made some food.

I hung out with my mom all day a couple of hours later my dad came home and we all ate dinner as a family. After we ate dinner we watched a movie in the living room together.

A little while later I went upstairs and used the restroom then plugged my phone in and climbed into bed. I put on some black veil brides and smiled while listening to Andys voice then fell asleep.

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