30 Friday

15 1 0


Lee had to leave really early this morning so he could go drop off his parents at the airport Noah said he would come pick me up for school.

The last two days of school have consisted of boring classes and tests and also Noah and lees football practice so nothing fun.

I never thought I would ride on a motorcycle specifically Noah's but Lee is not gonna be able to pick me up so that's my only option.

Noah and Lee are having a party tonight so Lee is gonna go out and get everything that they need and me and Noah are gonna stay at school.

My dad woke up and got ready for work then he woke up my siblings and headed downstairs and went to work for the day.

My mom woke up and used the restroom then made sure my siblings were getting ready then she headed downstairs and went into the living room.

I woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room and changed.

I grabbed everything I needed and headed downstairs and went outside and waited for Noah to come pick me up.

A couple minutes later Noah's motorcycle pulled up and I smiled and walked over to him and he gave me a helmet and helped me onto the bike.

I was extremely freaked out I held onto Noah while he started driving out of my neighborhood I could feel my heart beating against my ribcage.

A couple minutes later we made it to school and parked it felt like it took hours to finally get to school.

Noah took his helmet and helped me off the bike and I fixed my hair and we headed inside together my legs felt like jelly and my knee gave out on me.

I grabbed Noah's arm and went onto my knees he freaked out and helped me up and said are you ok I said my knee gave out on me.

Noah kept his arm around my waist so I wouldn't fall again I told Andy and he gave me a sympathetic look and said I'm sorry.

Andy said Elle you ok I said yea my knee just gave out on me he said ok be careful and me and Noah continued walking together.

After we got to class we sat down and waited for class to start jack sat down and said no Lee Noah said nope he had to drop off our parents and do some things.

I texted Lee and he said he was busy buying supplies and getting things ready I texted Noah that and he said ok and put his phone down.

Noah showed me what his house looked like because he had pictures I said holy shit no way he laughed and said yea all ours.

I leaned back in my chair and said must be nice he laughed and said yea it really is I played on my phone for a while.

A little while later class started and we didn't do anything for the whole period but play on our phones and talk to friends.

Jack moved near his friends so me and Noah were talking about the party later I said I can drive over there.

Noah said I don't know if we will have space I can get you in Lee's car I smiled and said works too he smiled and said ok good works out.

After class ended everyone headed to their next class Lucy was standing near a locker waiting for Jack Noah said they definitely aren't coming.

I laughed and said good I'm glad Noah said yea I'd loose my shit if they did andy said ELLE EVENS AND NOAH FLYNN MY OFFICE NOW.

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