50 Monday

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We all had a party yesterday and we also ended up going out to eat and doing things as a family which was a lot of fun.

I randomly woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room and climbed into bed and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

A couple of hours later my dad woke up and got ready for work then he woke up my siblings and he headed downstairs and left for work for the day.

A little while later my mom woke up and used the restroom then she made sure me and my siblings were awake I got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room and changed I looked down at my wedding band and smiled.

I sprayed some body spray on and grabbed everything I needed and headed downstairs and went into the living room my siblings were on the couch looking at me.

A couple minutes later Lee came and picked me up I smiled and said hey Lee he smiled and said hey Mrs. Biersack I smiled while Lee drove out of the neighborhood.

Lee said we aren't picking up coffee because Andy put some on your desk I said really he said shit I ruined the surprise I laughed and said I'll act surprised he smiled and said thanks.

A little while later we got to school and parked and got out Lee locked the car and we both started walking towards the building.

Noah ran over to us and he hoisted me up I yelped and said oh my God Noah we all started laughing together he said let's go lil sis.

Noah held me and we all walked through the parking lot together I took a group picture then I put my phone down.

A couple minutes later we all got into the building our teacher from first period was standing next to Andy and asking him questions.

Andy looked at us and said NOAH FLYNN PUT ELLE DOWN RIGHT NOW Noah started laughing and said no can do sir her legs dont work and he winked at me.

I said what the fuck Noah and we all started laughing together our teacher said apparently Noah and Elle are a couple and she winked at Andy.

I saw him clench his jaw and he said have a nice day and he went into the front office and went to his office I felt my heart sink slightly.

A couple minutes later we all got to class and sat down in our seats I smiled when I saw the coffee Andy texted me and said that my teacher pissed him off.

I laughed and said oh tell me about it and by the way thanks for the coffee he said that made me feel better I smiled and put my phone down on my desk.

A couple minutes later Jack came into class and sat down in his seat and he turned around and looked at us he said Elle you are so beautiful.

I looked at Noah and he shook his head and said I'm gonna punch him again if he says anything else to you I said I'm not a part of this.

Lee started laughing and said honestly neither am I started drinking my coffee and playing on my phone Jack turned around and shook his head and said bitch.

Noah immediately clenched his jaw and said what did you just say Jack laughed and said Elle is a bitch I said Noah don't.

Noah got up and grabbed his stuff and stormed out the classroom and walked out the building I looked at Lee he said at least he didn't bash his face in the desk.

I sighed and shook my head and Jack turned back around and said are you said I called you a bitch I said fuck you I grabbed my stuff and stormed out the classroom.

Lee immediately ran after me I went into the front office and started banging on Andy's door with tears in my eyes.

Andy opened the door and me and Lee stormed in and sat down on chairs Andy closed the door and Lee told him what happened.

He called my teacher to tell her that we were in our office we said Noah left completely he sighed and said I can move you all out of that class.

Me and Lee said yes a couple minutes later Andy moved me Lee and Noah to a completely different class I said thanks he smiled and said no problem.

I said I think Noah was pissed Andy said honestly I bet he was me and Lee stayed in the office for the rest of the period.

I got up and walked over to Andy and gave him a hug and he kissed me and said it's ok don't worry I will suspend him again I said thanks.

Andy made me feel better I also told him what my brother told me on our wedding day he said are you fucking kidding me.

I said nope I almost started crying Lee was mad and said wow he needs to get his ass beat I laughed and said oh I know.

We continued talking about random shit and laughing together it made me feel a lot better and I forgot about my problems.

An hour later me and Lee left and headed to our next class for the day I told Noah that we moved to a different class he said good.

I told him what our next class was gonna be he said actually I like that class I said ok good Lee kept a hold on me so I wouldn't run into something.

A couple minutes later me and Lee got to our next class and sat down in our seats and waited for class to start.

A little while later the bell rung and everyone came in and sat down in their seats and the teacher closed the door and went back into her desk.

She took attendance then sent it to the principal and said I'm gonna put on a movie because I need to get a plan ready for tomorrow.

Lee relaxed and layed his head down on my shoulder I smiled and said I'm happy your my best friend Lee smiled and said me too.

Me and Lee started talking about our future and what we are gonna do after graduation a couple minutes later we ended up falling asleep on each other.

A little while later I jumped when I heard something fall Lee woke up and said what the fuck someone's phone dropped.

A little while later we ended up watching movies and talked about random shit and laughed together I looked at my phone and checked my notifications.

An hour later the bell rung and everyone walked out of the classroom and headed to their next class I used the restroom then I went back to my next class.

I said lee do you guys have football practice Lee said nope even if we did Noah would not be going I said I feel bad.

Lee said yea me too I can't believe jack called you a bitch after every thing he put you through I said are you surprised he said no.

The rest of the day went by extremely quickly after the last bell rung every one headed out of the building and walked through the parking lot.

Me and Lee walked through the parking lot together and talked about random shit and laughed together and we got in the car and buckled up.

Lee started driving out of the parking lot and jammed out together and we smiled and also laughed I bit my thumb while watching the cars pass by.

A little while later Lee dropped me off and I said bye and headed inside and changed for the night then I headed downstairs and went into the kitchen.

We all ate dinner together as a family we all talked about random shit and laughed together we also talked about how are day was.

After we finished eating we picked up our dishes and watched movies until we went upstairs and went into our rooms and went to bed for the night.

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