2 Tuesday

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My mom came into my room and turned on the lights and said Elle it's time to get up we have to leave soon. I said ok and she walked out and closed the door and headed downstairs.

I sighed and unplugged my phone while still listening to music. I opened my curtains and said ow that is bright. I went into my bathroom and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom.

I walked into my room and changed and sprayed some body spray on and also put on my shoes and turned off my music. A couple minutes later I walked out of my room and headed downstairs.

My mom said are you ready Elle I said yea and we walked out of the front door and she locked it. Me and my mom got in the car and buckled up and she locked the car.

I noticed the black challenger wasn't in the driveway i said ok strange. My mom started driving out of the neighborhood and headed to school I said ugh gross.

My mom said you only have one more year Elle you are fine. A couple minutes later my mom parked the car and turned it off. Me and my mom got out of the car and closed our doors and she locked the car.

I noticed the black challenger parked i said huh interesting I noticed a couple of other cars as well. Me and my mom headed inside and walked over to the main office.

My mom smiled and said hi I would like to register my daughter Elle her she is a new student. The lady smiled and said um ok go to Mr. Biersacks office and he can help you.

My eyes went wide I said I know that last name I said no way and I smiled. The lady showed me and my mom to his office.

The lady knocked on the door and a dark voice said come in and she opened the door and I knelt like my knees were gonna collapse.

He smiled and said hello my name is Andy Biersack and you must be my mom said Summer Evens and this is my daughter Elle Evens.

I squeaked a hi and felt like I was going crazy me and my mom walked in and closed the door and sat down. Andy was extremely tall and slim and had a nice suit on with jet black hair that had gel in it.

Andy sat down and his eyes sparkled in the sunlight and he smiled. My mom said Elle I said huh sorry and looked down my face went red. Andy laughed and said no its ok I looked up and said I'm a really huge fan of you.

Andy smiled and said oh really I said yea I have been listening to your music for years and it has helped me through a lot.

Andy smiled and said well I'm glad that I could help I said me too. Andy looked at his computer and said alright transcript for Ms Elle Evens. I smiled and said yep he smiled and said have you ever been to a concert before.

I smiled and said yea one it was a black veil brides one when I was 17. Andy said oh really I smiled and said yea it was the best night of my life. Andy smiled and said well I glad you got to see your favorite band in concert.

I smiled widely and looked down and said yea me too. Andy said so how old are you and what grade are you in Ms Elle. I said 18 and I am a senior he said alright sounds good and started typing on his computer.

My mom started talking to Andy and I stayed quiet while they talked about my schedule and class arrangements. I looked down and looked at the ground and bit my lip and my leg started shaking due to anxiety.

I have extremely bad anxiety and depression a little while later Andy said do you have any questions I said nope. He smiled and said ok cool and handed my mom my schedule and said I can give you guys a tour.

I smiled and said ok and we all got up and walked out of his office and the main office. Mr. Biersack said ok so this is our school and he laughed and said ok follow me.

I followed behind my mom and Mr. Biersack while he explained different things and classes. I wasn't paying attention I was to bust wandering around by myself.

I accidentally bumped into someone and said I am so sorry a guy said no its ok. He laughed and said I should have been paying attention I laughed and said oops.

He said hi I'm Lee I said hey I'm Elle and he shook my hand and said are you new here. I laughed and said yea I'm from Florida he said nice I said yep my parents went through a messy divorce.

He said yikes my mom and Mr. Biersack said there you are Elle we were looking everywhere for you. I said oops and laughed Mr. Biersack said um so Mr. Flynn I see you have met Elle.

He smiled and said yea we accidentally bumped into each other and we started laughing again. Lee said I will show you to your classes when we start school I said cook and smiled.

I showed him my schedule and he said yo no way we have all the same classes together. I said nice he said oh ugh fuck gym I said well shit this will be nice.

I said I swear we play dodge ball I'm doneee Lee started laughing and said yea trust me. My mom said Elle are you ready to go home and get food and tell your family about your day.

My mom winked at me and I scoffed and rolled my eyes and said yep sure totally mom. She sighed and said well ok come on we heave to go.

I said bye Lee bye Mr. Biersack he said bye and me and my mom left and walked out of the school building. My mom said Elle what was that about I said I don't want to tell them about my day.

She said ok and we both got into the car i said I love you mom. She smiled and said I love you more Elle and we buckled up and I locked the car.

My mom said so Elle your favorite person in the whole world is your priniciple. I said I know and my celebrity crush which sucks because he is so hot.

My mom laughed and drove out of the parking lot and headed onto the highway. Me and my mom talked about random shit the whole time on the way home. A little while later we got home and ate dinner.

My dad hung out with my mom and brother downstairs I headed upstairs and went into my room. I chilled on my bed and played on my phone and listened to music.

A couple of hours later my family went to bed and I continued playing on my phone.

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