42 Sunday

11 1 0


I woke up to the sound of my family coming downstairs I sighed and said oh how fun I felt a lot better this morning which is good.

My mom said morning Elle I said I think I had a 48 hour bug my mom said do you feel better I said yea she said ok good.

I got off the couch and washed the blanket and pillow and sprayed the couch with a disinfectant I went upstairs and took a bath.

I went downstairs and threw my clothes in the washer and made some coffee and breakfast because I was hungry from not eating in two days.

I chilled in the living room and played on my phone while I ate my breakfast every one else was in the kitchen eating and laughing together.

I ended up talking to Andy and Noah and also Lee and told them I was feeling a lot better and I'll be at school on Monday morning.

My mom gave me a hug and sat down on the couch next to me she said I'm gonna help you pick up your laundry I said thanks mom.

She smiled and said I'm glad you're feeling better I yawned and said me too because I hate throwing up.

A little while later my family came in the living room and sat down on the couch and turned on the TV.

My dad put on a movie and put the remote down an hour later I went into the laundry room and put my clothes in the dryer.

My mom walker in the kitchen and said do you wanna go drive and get coffee I said yea I don't mind.

A couple minutes later me and my mom left and headed into town and went to go get coffee I listened to music on my phone the whole time.

After me and my mom got coffee we headed back home and drove down the highway listening to music.

A little while later we got home and me and my mom headed inside and I locked the front door.

My mom went into the living room with my family I headed upstairs and went into my room I did some skin care.

I chilled in my bed and watched movies on my TV and played on my phone I sighed and looked out the window and noticed it was still light outside.

I ended up taking a nap for a couple of hours later i woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed.

I used the restroom then I headed downstairs and grabbed my clothes out the dryer and put them in my room then I went back downstairs.

After I ate dinner with my family I headed upstairs and went into my room and played on my phone after I got ready for bed.

A little while later my family came upstairs and went into their rooms and went to bed for the night I stayed up for a while until I fell asleep for the night.

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