59 Saturday

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I woke up to the sound of my door opening I said what the fuck Andy started laughing and said morning Elle I yawned and stretched and rolled onto my side.

I said what time is it Andy said 8 am I said ugh and rolled onto my back and closed my eyes and fell back asleep Andy said damn ok well everyone is downstairs.

Andy got up and walked out of my room and closed the door and headed downstairs and went into the kitchen and ate breakfast with everyone else.

A little while later I got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room.

I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs and went into the kitchen and said morning family everyone was in the kitchen with andy.

He looked at me and smiled and said hey morning Elle I said happy birthday he smiled and said thank you babe I made a cup of coffee and sat down on the floor.

Andy walked over to me and sat down next to me he smiled and said well so I wonder what the plan is for today I smiled and said it's your day.

Andy said well I wanna end the day with steamy sex I smacked his shoulder and said shut up Andrew he laughed and said ok my bad we need to watch movies and go out to eat.

Andy kissed the side of my head and said I love you Elle I smiled and said I love you more Andrew he smiled and said good I'm glad.

Andy smiled and grabbed my coffee and took a sip I said uh ok it's your birthday you can do whatever the hell you want without asking he laughed and said yes.

I grabbed my cup and said you should have asked I would have let you have a sip Andy put his hands up and said my apologies I laughed and took a sip of my coffee and put my cup down.

I rested my head on his shoulder and he said well we could all go out and have a fun day together Amy smiled and said yes we can all do that.

Andy smiled like a little kid and I took a picture of him and put my phone down and I smiled and bit my lip and kissed his shoulder.

Andy smiled and said aww my wittle baby I said shut up I'm your student he stopped and said oh shit and we started laughing together and I covered my face.

An hour later everyone got ready and we all left and headed to the mall first since that was on andys list I rode with my family and Andy rode with his parents.

A little while later we got to the mall and we all headed inside and started walking around Dillard's so we could get to the main part of the mall.

A couple minutes later we all met back up with each other and we started walking around the first floor of the mall.

Andy walked over to me and grabbed my hand he smiled and said it's my birthday I smiled and said I know I can't believe it's your birthday.

Amy walked next to me and Andy I smiled and kissed his shoulder and said I love you mom and Elle we said love u too Andy and we started laughing together.

Me and Andy bought a pretzel together and shared it and we also took a picture together and continued walking around the mall.

A couple of hours later we left the mall and we all went out to eat as a family I smiled while sitting next to Andy we all sung happy birthday at the end.

I took a picture because Andy was super embarrassed I smiled and kissed his cheek after he blew out the candles I smiled and kissed andy.

Andy smiled and said I am so lucky to have all of you guys I felt my eyes watering slightly I said awww Andy said are you crying Elle.

I laughed and said no shut up you are Andy started laughing and gave me a hug and kissed my head and said I love u I smiled and said I love you more.

Andy yawned and whispered I'm exhausted how about we wait until new years to have sex I smiled and said sounds like a good way to start the new year.

Me and Andy started laughing together a little while later we all left the restaurant and went back to our houses and went to bed for the night.

I had a spa night and I climbed into bed and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

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