5 Friday

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I randomly woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched. I grabbed my phone and saw my Spotify notification on and checked the song.

I smiled when it said Savior by Black veil brides that song helped me through rough times. I unplugged my phone and rolled onto my back and checked my notifications and put my phone down on my chest.

I yawned and sighed fuck I'm exhausted school is about to start as well ughhh. I rolled my eyes and got out of bed and walked into my bathroom and used it and walked back into my room.

I walked over to my snack drawer and got something to eat out I also grabbed a water bottle and sat down on my bed. I chilled on my phone while eating my snack and drinking my water.

I threw my trash away and started stretching so I could exercise and do yoga. I grabbed my yoga mat and layed it down on my floor.

After that I started doing yoga and listened to music. After I finished doing yoga I started exercising and listening to music.

An hour later I finished exercising and layed on my floor and started breathing heavily. I wiped my head because it was covered in sweat I sat up and drank some water.

A couple minutes later I got up and grabbed some clean clothes and went into my bathroom and took a hot shower. An hour later I got out of my shower and dried off and changed.

I used the restroom then went back into my room and put my dirty clothes up. I sprayed some body spray on and walked over to my bed and plugged my phone in.

I couldn't sleep because I was now full of energy I sighed and just chilled on my bed and listened to music and read fanfiction. A little while later I put my phone down and fell asleep for the night.

I yawned and stretched and heard my dad wake up and head down stairs and headed to work. I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched I went back to sleep.

My phone started ringing and I looked at it and hung up and put my phone down. A couple of hours later my mom and siblings woke up and went downstairs and went to the living room.

I did not want to get out of bed and rolled onto my back and sighed and closed my eyes. I fell back asleep until I heard people yelling downstairs.

I got out of bed and groaned fuckkkk and headed into the bathroom and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom.

I walked out of my bathroom and grabbed my phone and headed downstairs into the kitchen. I made some food and got something to drink and sat down at the table.

I played on my phone and ate my breakfast my mom said so what do you guys wanna do today. I said can I get another tattoo my mom said sure I said ok cool.

After I finished eating breakfast I put my dishes up and headed upstairs and changed my clothes and sprayed some body spray on. I put my shoes on and grabbed my phone and headed downstairs.

My mom said your siblings are staying home I said ok and we walked out of the front door. My mom locked the front door and I walked down the porch and over to the car.

My mom unlocked it and we both got inside and closed our doors. My mom locked the car and we buckled up and she turned on the car and started driving out of the driveway.

I smiled while looking out of the window my mom said do you know what you want I smiled and said yea. She said ok and continued driving to the tattoo shop.

A little while later my mom parked the car and we both got out and headed inside. The guy smiled and said what can I help you guys with. I said I want to get two tattoos he said ok cool what do you want.

I said a black veil brides logo and a black rose he said ok and wrote it down. Me and my mom followed the guy and I sat down in the chair.

A couple minutes later I showed the guy where I wanted the tattoos and he said ok and started sketching them. A couple minutes later he placed the sketches on my arm and pulled the paper off.

He said is that good I smiled and said yea he said ok and grabbed the tattoo gun and turned it on. I bit my lip and looked at my mom and smiled and she took a picture of me.

The guy was extremely sweet and we all talked about random shit and laughed together. I said this honestly doesn't hurt my mom laughed and said wow.

I said I guess I'm just so used to getting hurt the guy said you ok. I said eh I don't really know he sighed and said alright just making sure your ok. I smiled and said thanks my mom said we moved from Florida to California because of a messy divorce.

The guy said damn I'm really sorry about that my mom said no its ok honestly. They guy started making jokes and we all started laughing together.

A hour and a half later he said alright little lady I am done and he wiped my arm and I got up and looked in the mirror. I smiled and said I love it he smiled and said good and wrapped it up with plastic wrap.

After he did that we all walked over to the cash register he said do you know how to clean the tattoo. I smiled and said yes I have one so I know how to take care of it.

The guy smiled and said alright good after my mom paid we said bye and left. My mom smiled and said are you hungry I said yea and we got into the car.

After me and my mom got into the car we closed our doors and locked them. Me and my mom buckled up and she turned on the car and started driving out of the parking lot.

My mom stopped by a coffee shop and got coffee and left the parking lot and headed onto the highway. My mom turned on the radio and we started jamming out together and talked about what we wanted to eat.

A little while later we picked up food and headed home. After we got home my mom parked the car and I noticed Andy get out of his car as well.

My mom locked the car and we headed up the porch. Andy said ELLE GOT SOME NEW INK I SEE. I laughed and said yea I did he smiled and said nice and went into his house and closed the door.

I walked in the house and closed the door and locked it. I put the food down and headed upstairs and changed for the day.

I smiled and headed downstairs and ate my food with my family. A couple of hours later my dad came home and ate dinner.

We all hung out and watched movies together I got bored then headed upstairs and went into my room and climbed into bed and played on my phone.

A little while later my family came upstairs and went into their room. I sighed and put my phone down and looked at the ceiling.

I decided to listen to music and play on my phone for a while.

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