44 Saturday

15 1 0


I can't believe me and Andy might get eloped soon I'm nervous but I'm also really freaking excited about it because he is my best friend in the whole world.

I randomly woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room and grabbed my phone and checked my notifications my phone said it was 2 am.

I sprayed some body spray on and also put on my shoes and grabbed the house keys and headed downstairs and unlocked the front door.

I walked out and closed the door and locked it and walked off the porch and driveway and headed down the sidewalk.

I smiled and felt the fresh air against my skin I said it's such a beautiful night I turned around because I heard a door open.

I noticed Andy lock his front door and walk down his porch and driveway and he walked down the sidewalk towards me I smiled and bit my lip.

Andy smiled and said hey lady I laughed and said hi can I help you he said what are you doing I said going for a late night walk.

I said and what about you Mr. Biersack are you doing out on this fine morning he said I am going on a walk because I want fresh air.

I smiled and he said Elle what are you thinking about I said this and I started running Andy said dammit Elle and he started running after me.

I started laughing and he said hold on hell I'm not awake I stopped running and turned around andy ran and hoisted me up I yelped and we started laughing together.

I said holy shit you scared me he started laughing and said good I'm glad Andy said I'm gonna talk to your parents tomorrow about getting eloped I said ok and smiled.

I said ok sounds good Andy put me back down and we continued walking down the sidewalk together the lamp post were lit.

I smiled and said it's a really beautiful night Andy smiled and said yea I definitely agree with you andy held my hand the whole time we walked down the sidewalk.

Andy smiled and started walking fast I said damn I have little legs he started laughing and slowed down and said my bad I forgot you were tiny.

I let go of his hand and hopped on his back and we started laughing together then we took a couple pictures together then we continued walking down the sidewalk.

An hour later we turned around and headed back home so we could go back to sleep for the night.

A little while later Andy put me down and gave me a kiss and said good night I said night and headed inside and went upstairs and went to bed for the night.

A couple of hours later my mom and dad woke up and used the restroom then they headed downstairs and went into the kitchen and cooked breakfast for everyone.

A little while later my siblings woke up and headed downstairs as well and went into the kitchen with them and waited for breakfast to be finished cooking.

A couple minutes later I woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room and grabbed my phone after I sprayed some body spray on.

I headed downstairs and went into the kitchen and made a cup of coffee and waited for breakfast to be over with.

After we finished eating we picked up our dishes and went into the living room and sat down on the couch and turned on the TV.

A little while later Andy came over and looked nervous I bit my lip and looked at him he said Ms. Evans may I talk to you and your husband please.

My mom looked confused and said um yea sure he said Elle can you take your siblings out for the day please I said huh he said please.

I sighed and said ok me and my siblings went upstairs and got ready for the day then we left and went into town.

We ended up all getting haircuts and we went to the mall as well then we ended up going out to eat after we left the mall.

A couple of hours later we went back home and Andy smiled and gave me a hug and said I gotta head home I said ok bye and he left.

Me and my siblings got changed for bed then we headed downstairs and ate dinner with our parents my mom kept looking at me and smiled it scared me a little bit.

After we finished eating I helped my mom with the dishes and she said you wanna get eloped I smiled and said yea she said are you sure.

I said mom yes I am positive and no I am not pregnant if your gonna ask she said well you answered my question.

I gave my mom a hug and said I will still be living with you guys she smiled and said ok good I'm glad I said duh I love you guys.

A little while later me and my mom went into the living room and watched movies for a while until we all got tired.

A hour later we all headed upstairs and went into our rooms and went to bed for the night.

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