34 two months later

24 1 0


We have been extremely busy for the whole week we ended up doing a bunch of test and we started working on things that are required for graduation.

My mom said Lee could sleep over this weekend and I'm extremely excited about it jack has been still acting like an asshole and so has Lucy.

Me and Andy are still not together which sucks because I really want to be in a relationship with him but I know he could get fired.

Lee is coming over tomorrow and I wanna go out after school and buy some stuff for the sleep over this weekend.

I randomly woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and grabbed my phone and texted Lee and asked if we could go to the store after school.

I put my phone down and quickly used the restroom then I climbed back into bed and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

A couple of hours later my dad woke up and got ready for work then he headed downstairs and left for work for the day.

My mom woke up my siblings and I woke up after she came in my room and closed the door and headed downstairs and went into the living room.

I forced myself out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room.

I changed and sprayed some body spray on and grabbed everything I needed I also texted Lee a list of things I would need from the store.

I headed downstairs and went into the living room and waited on Lee my siblings were sitting on the couch next to my mom.

A couple minutes later Lee picked me up and said yea we can go to the store after school Elle I smiled and said yeay I can't wait.

Me and Lee started laughing together while driving down the highway towards the school building a little while later we finally got to school.

Lee stopped and picked me up some coffee and I smiled the whole way to school he said damn I know the way to your heart.

I said I love coffee he laughed and said you definitely seem like you love coffee I laughed and said you have no idea.

After we finally got to school we headed inside and walked through the hallway and headed to class Andy said you got coffee.

I laughed and said always I have to always have my coffee Lee laughed and grabbed my arm and we continued walking together.

Noah said you are a coffeeholic I laughed and said at least it's not alcohol Lee said hey she does have a good point.

Lee said Noah I'm staying at elles house this weekend Noah said go Lee I laughed and said we aren't doing anything raunchy.

Noah said well either way I hope you guys have fun I smiled and said we definitely will be staying up all night Lee said I'm getting a monster I laughed and said of course.

A couple minutes later we all finally got to class and sat down in our seats jack came to class early and sat down in his seat.

I sighed and rolled my eyes and said oh how great jack yawned and stretched and he layed his head on my desk and closed his eyes.

I said cool that works too Noah kicked jack he woke up and said what the hell Noah said sleep on your damn desk and not elles.

Jack said whatever asshole and turned around and layed down on his desk and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

I sighed and said I hope we have a chill day today Lee yawned and said who knows Noah ended up playing on his phone while waiting.

After class started our teacher took attendance and sent it to the principal office we ended up watching Toy Story for the rest of the period. 

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