31 Saturday

18 1 0


I ended up staying the night at lees house because I was a little too drunk too go home I told my parents and they told me to be careful.

I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched I had a pounding headache I said ah what happened last night.

I noticed I was in the guest room I sighed and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and used the restroom.

I headed downstairs and went into the kitchen and saw Noah cooking breakfast he handed me pills and coffee.

I said thank you so much he smiled and said I gave you my shirt I looked down and said I threw up huh.

Noah said no but your boobs came out so I gave you my shirt so you could save some of your dignity I laughed and said thanks.

Noah said your welcome Elle he continued cooking breakfast for everyone since I was starving.

Noah said at least me and Lee stayed next to you the whole time I smiled and said yea I'm glad because I don't need anything happening to me.

I sat down on a barstool I said the house is trashed Noah laughed and said yea we will definitely need to clean the house.

I yawned and said yea I can definitely help you clean the house Lee came downstairs and groaned fuckkkk I said morning.

Lee said fuck the house is trashed I laughed and said yep Noah handed us plates of food and we said thank you.

Noah laughed and said no problem and we all started eating breakfast in silence I said we should clean after we eat.

Lee said are you in Noah's shirt I looked down and said yea Noah said her boobs came out Lee said ah nice.

I rolled my eyes and laughed Noah said yes we will definitely clean the house after we eat breakfast.

After we finished eating I did the dishes and Noah put on some music and Lee helped him start cleaning the house.

After I did the dishes I started to help clean up the trash on the floor and throw the cups away I helped take out the trash and fix things if they broke.

I said ugh I wanna be either drunk or high right now and we all started laughing together and I sighed and continued cleaning.

A couple of hours later we all finished cleaning and took our own separate showers then we hung out in the living room and watched movies together.

Noah said hey Lee mom and dad are coming back Monday and they are getting an Uber to take them home.

I looked at Lee and he said ok sounds good I yawned and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

A couple of hours later we all ate dinner together and talked about random shit and laughed together I said that party was crazy.

Noah said I saw a bunch of beautiful girls I laughed and said I bet you did  Lee said I played beer pong I laughed and said we saw.

After we finished eating I helped with the dishes while the guys put up the food I said I'm probably going home today.

Noah said I can take you back home I smiled and said that sounds nice I headed upstairs and changed and grabbed everything I had with me and went downstairs.

After Noah dropped me off he left and I took a shower and took off my makeup and did some skin care then I hung out with my family.

I told them all about my weekend we ended up going upstairs at 1 am then we went into our rooms and went to bed for the night.

I plugged my phone in and got comfortable in my bed and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

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