45 monday

15 1 0


My mom and dad had a conversation with andy yesterday about us getting eloped I couldn't be there because they didn't want me to freak out.

I ended up going out and spending time with my siblings we got haircuts and went out to eat because we were starving.

I don't know what my parents answer was so I'm extremely worried that they are not going to let me and Andy get married I understand because I'm still 18 and in high school.

I randomly woke up shaking I said Jesus why is it freezing I got out of bed and turned on my heater and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I used the restroom then I headed back into my room and climbed into bed and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

A couple of hours later my dad woke up and got ready for work then he headed into the hallway and woke up me and my siblings then he headed downstairs and left for work.

A little while later my mom woke up and used the restroom then she made sure we were awake and getting ready to leave.

My mom headed downstairs and went into the kitchen and made a cup of coffee then she headed into the living room and sat down on the couch.

I woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door I talked to andy for a while last night.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room and changed and sprayed some body spray on and grabbed everything I needed and headed downstairs.

I made a cup of coffee for school and hung out in the living room with my mom and siblings a little while later Lee picked me up and we headed to school together.

I smiled and said me and Andy might get eloped Lee said no fucking way I smiled and said yea he said congratulations Elle.

I said can we keep it on the down low Lee started laughing and said yea Elle we can definitely do that I smiled and said good.

A little while later we got to school and parked and got out of the car and Lee locked the car Lucy and Jack were hanging out together outside.

I sighed and said well damn Lee grabbed my hand and I walked with him so we wouldn't run into them Noah ran over to us and gave me a hug and I smiled and said morning.

Noah said well good morning to you too Elle we all headed inside and walked down the hallway together towards our class.

A couple minutes later we got to class and walked in and walked over to our seats and sat down in our seats and played on our phones.

I checked my phone notifications to see if any one texted me I put my phone down and yawned Lee said well I'm assuming you're feeling better.

I laughed and said yea I think it was a 48 hour bug Lee said huh probably Noah said you looked really bad I said I felt like death.

Lee said I bet you did I mean you looked awful I smiled and said why thank you and we all started laughing together.

A couple minutes later Jack came into class and sat down in his seat and turned around and looked at us I felt my phone vibrate I looked down and answered it.

It was a scam call I said oh fuck you and I hung up and put my phone down and rolled my eyes and said it's a scam call Noah said ah I hate those.

A little while later the bell rung and the teacher closed the door and walked over to her desk and sat down and started taking attendance.

After she finished taking attendance she sent it to the principal and started getting the worksheets ready to pass out.

A couple of seconds later the phone started ringing and the teacher answered it and said ok I will send her to your office and she hung up.

She said Elle you need to go to principle Biersacks office you don't need your stuff I said ok and got up and walked out of the classroom.

I headed down the hallway I quickly used the restroom then I headed into the front office and I headed towards Andy's office.

I knocked on the door and Andy walked towards the door and opened it I smiled and walked in and he closed the door I noticed he was extremely excited.

I sat down and said are you ok he sat down in his seat and said Saturday we are getting married I smiled widely and said really.

Andy smiled and said yea the guys are coming and my parents are flying in Thursday I said lee and Noah's parents are coming as well.

I smiled and said I can't believe we are getting married I got up and walked over to him and gave him a hug and he kissed me and said I love you.

I smiled and said I love you more I said are you ready to get married he smiled and said yes absolutely I said let's keep it private.

Andy smiled and said uh duh obviously we are going to keep it professional at school I smiled and said anything else you need.

Andy said no that's it I just wanted to let you know the good news I smiled and said which is extremely good news.

A couple minutes later I headed back to class and sat down in my seat and Lee said so what did you guys talk about.

I smiled and said Saturday Lee smiled and gave me a hug and said oh my God I said you and Noah and your parents are invited.

Noah said I am confused what's going on I whispered what was going on in his ear and his mouth dropped and said no way.

I smiled and gave him a hug he said congratulations Elle I said thanks he whispered I won't tell anyone I said thanks.

A couple minutes later I started working on the worksheet and asked Lee and Noah questions about what we were working on.

After we finished our work sheet Noah collected them and gave them to the teacher then he sat back down in his seat.

An hour later class ended and everyone walked out of the classroom and headed to their next class I used the restroom then I headed back to Lee and Noah.

A couple minutes later we got to our next class and sat down in our seats and I yawned and took a sip of coffee and looked at my phone for any notifications.

Noah said we are gonna have a football game next week I said no way Noah smiled and said yea I gave him a hug and said congratulations I'm so proud of you guys.

I said do you guys have football practice today Lee said yea I said ok and played on my phone while waiting for class to start.

The rest of the day went by extremely slow and the bell rung and everyone walked out of the building and walked down the hallway.

Me Lee and Noah all walked towards the football field we all started talking about random shit and laughed together I smiled and shook my head while we continued walking.

A couple minutes later we got to the field and I sat down on the bleachers and played on my phone while waiting on the guys.

An hour later practice ended and we all started walking off the field and headed towards the parking lot Lee let me jump on his back.

After we got to the parking lot we got in our cars and left and went our separate ways Lee dropped me off and left.

After I got ready for bed I headed downstairs and ate dinner with my parents and told them about me getting married Saturday.

An hour later we finished eating dinner then we picked up our dishes and headed upstairs and went into our rooms and went to bed for the night.

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