16 Tuesday

22 1 0


My mom woke up my siblings first then came into my room and turned on the lights and said Elle it's time to get up.

She walked out of my room and closed my door I groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched. I got out of bed and walked over to my bathroom and closed the door.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room. I changed into a black crop top and shorts and put my hair up.

I put on a chocker and did my eye liner and sprayed some body spray on. My siblings headed downstairs and into the living room.

A couple minutes later I finished getting ready and grabbed my phone bag and earbuds and turned off my lights.

I walked out of my room and closed the door and headed downstairs. My mom said Elle are you ready I said yea she said ok and we all walked out of the house and my mom locked the front door.

We all got into the car and my locked it and we all buckled up and she turned on the car and started driving out of the driveway.

I looked out of the window and yawned and stretched I looked back towards the road.

My mom said Elle I said uh huh she said how about you invite Lee and Noah and his family over Friday for dinner.

I said um ok cool yea I can do that she said ok cool me and your dad will cook dinner Friday. I said ok and she continued driving to school I looked out the window and stayed quiet the whole ride to school.

A couple of minutes later my mom dropped us off and left I saw Lee and ran and gave him a hug. Noah walked over and said hey Elle I said hi Noah and laughed.

We all walked inside and headed to our class Andy was standing in the hallway greeting people. I smiled and walked past him Andy smiled and shook his head.

We all walked into class and sat down in our seats Noah sat on my desk and I looked up at him and said hi. Noah laughed and said hi Elle Lee said dude get off of her desk.

Noah said why is not bothering Elle so why should I. I looked at Lee and said I don't know what to do and we all started laughing together and I shook my head.

Noah said ugh ok and got off my desk and sat down in front of me and said so Ms. Elle. I said yes Mr. Flynn he smiled and bit his lip and said so what are you doing this weekend.

I said um I don't know actually he said nice shorts I looked down and said thanks and smiled and bit my lip. Andy walked into the classroom and said Elle may I speak with you please.

We all looked at the principal I said um er I'm comfortable the principal said Elle now. I sighed and said I don't want to he walked over to me and said its about your dad.

I looked up at him and said huh he said I need to speak with you now bring your stuff. I said ok and grabbed my stuff and followed him out of the classroom.

I followed him to his office and he closed the door and sat down in his seat. I put my stuff down and sat down he said um your mom just called to inform me that your father had a heart attack.

I said oh my God is he ok he said your real father I said yes my parents are divorced anyway is he OK. Andy said no Elle your father passed away I felt like my throat tightend.

My eyes started watering he said I'm so sorry and your mom is on the way to pick you up. I said ok and he said I will stop by later I shook my head and I instantly started crying.

Andy got up and grabbed my hand and pulled me into a hug he said I'm so sorry babe and he kissed my head. He said shhh it's ok and he started rubbing my back.

Someone knocked on the door and Andy opened it and he said hello Lee. He walked over to me and said Elle are you ok I said no and he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my shoulder.

Lee said whats wrong Elle I said my dad died he said oh my God I'm so sorry. Lee sat in andys office with me until my mom came to pick me up.

I signed myself out and walked out of the building my makeup was smudged on my face and I felt like shit. I got into my moms car and closed the door and she locked it.

My mom started driving and picked up coffee and food and drove home. A little while later we got home and headed inside I changed and took off my makeup.

I went downstairs and hung out with my mom all day we ate lunch together. I listened to music in my room for the rest of the day.

My mom left so she could go pick up my siblings I started crying in my bed again and pulled the blanket towards my face.

A little while later I fell asleep from crying so much my mom came into my room and closed my door. A little while later my dad came home and went into the dining room.

I came out of my room and headed downstairs and they said hey Abby. Someone knocked at the door and my dad answered he said hello Andy said may I come in.

My dad said yea sure and he walked in with a bouquet of red roses. I smiled and said aww he walked over to me and gave me a hug and said I am so sorry for your lose.

I said thank you and picked up the flowers Andy sat at the table and we all ate dinner together. My brother said um so we are eating dinner with our principle thats normal.

I started laughing and shook my head and continued eating after Andy left I headed upstairs and went back to sleep for the night.

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