40 Friday

16 1 0


We didn't really do anything yesterday so it was extremely boring Andy checked up on me through out the day which I thought was really sweet of him.

I still can't believe that we are actually a couple now but I know we have to be extremely careful so we don't get caught.

I randomly woke up and I felt nauseous I got out of bed and immediately ran to the bathroom and started throwing up.

I said Jesus did I eat something bad last night I threw up a couple more times and I cleaned myself up and went back to sleep.

Noah and Lee are supposed to be coming over later for a sleep over I really hope I feel better when I wake up in a couple of hours.

A couple of hours later my dad woke up and got ready for work then he woke up me and my siblings then he headed downstairs and left for work for the day.

I woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed I was feeling slightly better than I was this morning when I threw up a lot.

I went into the bathroom and closed the door and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room.

I quickly changed and sprayed some body spray on and grabbed everything I needed I ate a quick snack because I was hungry.

I headed downstairs and went into the living room and told my family bye and left for the day.

Lee picked me up and said Elle you ok you look a little pale I said I'm fine I threw up a lot earlier this morning Lee said you shouldn't go to school.

I said I'm fine ok he said alright and we went to go pick up some coffee and we headed to school after.

A couple minutes later we got to school and walked through the parking lot Noah was waiting for us he said damn Elle.

I said I'm fine he felt my head and said your really warm I said what ever and walked away from them they caught up with me.

Lee said if you're not feeling well go home ill go buy the stuff and have it for a sleep over next weekend I said no I'm ok he said alright.

A couple minutes later we walked down the hallways in school Andy was talking to a teacher and he noticed me and immediately walked over to me.

Andy stopped in front of me and said Elle are you feeling ok I said yea why he said you look really pale and like your gonna pass out.

I said I'm ok he said I'm gonna call your mom and let her know I said ok he said let me know if you need to go home I said ok in an agitated tone.

He said alright and walked away I sighed and continued walking down the hallway I felt like a zombie I did not want to be awake.

On our way into class the teacher stopped me and said Elle if you need to go to the nurses office let me know ok.

I said ok and continued walking into class Lee was walking next to me so I wouldn't fall over.

We got to class and sat down in our seats I sighed and said Lee do you have snacks he handed me a granola bar I said thanks.

I started eating it and felt fine I didn't feel like I wanted to throw up a little while later class started and the teacher took attendance and sent it to the principal.

Andy texted me and said your mom knows and if you get worse she will pick you up I said ok and put my phone down.

I started sweating Lee looked at me and felt my head he said holy shit Elle your burning up Noah said you need to go home.

The teacher started passing out worksheets and I felt sick I got up and instantly ran out the classroom I grabbed the trash can.

I started throwing up in the trash can in the hallway Lee grabbed my stuff and ran into the front office.

Lee yelled MR. BIERSACK CALL ELLES MOM SHES THROWING UP IN THE HALLWAY Andy ran out of his office and said shit.

Noah was next to me he had a towel and some water Lee and Andy came running over to me Lee immediately called my mom and told her to come get me.

A couple minutes later we headed to the nurses office Lee Noah and Andy were all in there the nurse said is it necessary for all you guys to be in here.

They all yelled YES in sync she said sorry ok and she took my tempature she said Elle it's 102.5 I said huh.

She said you might need to go to the hospital if it gets worse she gave me medication and I waited for my mom to get here I had a cold damp rag on my forehead.

A little while later my mom picked me up and said Jesus Elle you look awful I said thanks mom and got in the car.

Andy said she had a temp of 102.5 my mom said oh my God he said we gave her medicine and put a damp rag on her head so that should have helped.

Noah and Lee went back inside and went to their class for this period I sighed and said oh how fun.

Andy said I might come over later to check on her my mom said ok and Andy went back inside and me and my mom went home.

I ended up staying on the couch in the living room so my mom could keep an eye on me for the rest of the day.

A couple of hours later Andy came check on me and my step family came home as well Andy left and went back home.

My mom gave me some more medicine and went to go eat with my family I ended up falling asleep on the couch a couple minutes later.

A couple of hours later my family went upstairs and went into their rooms and went to bed for the night while I slept on the couch.

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