7 Sunday

27 1 0


I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched. The sun was shining brighly through the curtain I sighed and grabbed my blanket and threw it over my head and yawned.

I rolled onto my stomach and put my head under my pillow and went back to sleep. A little while later my family woke up and went downstairs.

My dad walked into my room and said Elle I said uh huh and got out from under my pillow and yawned. He said do you wanna go to the mall today I said sure he said ok and closed my door.

A couple minutes later I got out of bed and went to the bathroom and closed the door. I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room.

My family headed upstairs and into their rooms so they could change. I started getting hungry and grabbed a snack and climbed into my bed and grabbed my phone.

I started checking my notifications and ate my snack. After I finished eating my snacks I got up and finally decided to start changing for the day.

I put on a black crop top and put on black shorts and kept my hair down. I sprayed some body spray on and put on my vans and grabbed my phone and purse.

I walked downstairs and walked over to the front door and unlocked it and walked out. Andy said hey Elle what are you guys doing today I said mall.

Andy laughed and said I'm meeting up with the guys at the mall I said cool and smiled. He said yea you could finally meet your favorite band.

I squealed and said uh hell yea he laughed and said alright and got into his car and left. I walked inside and closed the door then used the restroom again.

I sat on the couch and waited for my family to get done getting ready so we could all leave. A little while later everyone headed downstairs and said ok let's go.

I got off the couch and walked out of the house and my dad locked the front door. We all walked over to the car and got in and closed our doors.

My dad locked the door and we all buckled up and he turned on the car and started driving out of the driveway. I put on some music and looked out of the window and smiled while jamming out to music.

My dad turned on the radio and they all started jamming out together I laughed and shook my head and started playing on my phone on the way to the mall.

A little while later my dad parked by Dillard's and turned off the car and we all got out and closed our doors. My dad locked the car and we all started walking towards the mall.

I put my phone in my pocket while we walked through the parking lot. A couple minutes later we finally got to the door and my dad opened it and we all walked inside.

My dad walked in behind us we all started walking through Dillard's to find the main mall entrance. A little while later we finally got to the main part of the mall and walked in.

My dad said alright are you guys ready we said ye and laughed. We all started walking around I smelt pretzels and said oh my God they smell so fucking good.

My mom laughed and I agreed my mom said Elle did you wash your tattoos. I said yea she said ok good I showed my dad my tattoos and he said oh cool.

I smiled and said yea I love them we continued walking around for a couple of minutes. We walked into a random store and looked at clothes. My mom walked farther into the store and we followed her.

A worker asked if we needed help and we said nope I walked away from my family so I could venture out on my own. I went to a different part of the store and started looking around.

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