10 Wednesday

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I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and sighed. I threw off my blanket and got out of bed and walked over to my bathroom and closed the door.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room. I walked over to my bed and grabbed my phone then walked out of my room and headed downstairs.

I sat down on the couch next to my mom she smiled and said me and you are gonna hang out today. I smiled and said ok cool she said tomorrow me you and your sister are going out tomorrow.

I said ok she said we are getting our hair done and also our nails and going eat lunch. My mom said today we are buying you new clothes for school.

I said I'm definitely going through my clothes when we get home if that is the case she said ok I can help if you need anything.

I smiled and said ok my mom said I already talked to your sister and she's fine with me and you going out today.

I said I can't remember the last time just me and you went out together my mom sighed and said yea I know its been way too long.

I said yea I completely agree with you on that and we started laughing together. My mom said ok we should start getting ready soon I said ok sounds good.

A couple of minutes later me and my mom got off the couch and headed upstairs and went into our rooms. I closed my bedroom door and turned on my fan.

I grabbed my phone and turned on music and put my phone down I walked over to my mini fridge and grabbed a cold coffee and opened it.

I took a sip and put it down and walked over to my closet and opened it and looked for clothes. A couple minutes later I changed and sprayed some body spray on.

I continued drinking my coffee then I put my shoes on and went to the bathroom. I used the restroom then went into my room and turned off my music and grabbed my phone.

I still didn't get my clothes out from my bags from when we went to the mall. I grabbed my coffee and walked out of my room and headed downstairs and sat down on the couch.

A couple minutes later my mom finally came downstairs and said are you ready Elle I said yea and got off of the couch.

Me and my mom walked over to the front door and unlocked it and we walked out and she closed the door and locked it.

Me and my mom walked over to the car and she unlocked it I saw Andy smoking on his porch and waving at me.

My mom looked over at him and smiled and waved at him. I quickly put my stuff in the car and ran over to him he started laughing and shook his head.

Andy said hello my Lil Shadow I said hey Batman and walked over to him laughing he shook his head and said lord help me. My mom said ELLE HURRY UP OK DONT TAKE TOO LONG.

I laughed and said OK MOM I WONT she got in the car and closed her door and buckled up. Andy said where you guys going I said girls day he said oh thats fun I smiled and said yea.

Andy said well school is Monday so and he tapped his cigarette butt against his door. I said I know don't remind me he laughed and said hey I'm your priniciple.

I said ugh I know he laughed and said hey don't act like its a fucking crime babe. A couple minutes later I said ok so I have to leave he said alright later babe.

I said bye and he said bye I turned around and started walking off his porch and headed to my house. I bit my lip and swayed my hips while walking.

I heard Andy whistle and I shook my head he said HEY MS. KILLER HIPS BEHAVE. I turned around and said aye captain and blew a kiss and continued walking while smiling.

I got into the car and closed my door and buckled up my mom laughed and shook her head and turned on the car. I started listening to my music while we drove out of the neighborhood.

I continued drinking my coffee me and my mom talked on the way to the stores. A little while later my mom parked the car and we got out and walked over to the store.

My mom quickly locked the car and we headed inside the store and I quickly used the restroom then met back up with my mom.

I put my phone in my pocket and me and my mom walked around the store and looked at clothes. A little while later me and my mom left and had a couple of bags when we walked out of the store.

Me and my mom walked towards the car and got in and she locked the car and we buckled up. My mom turned on the car and started driving out of the parking lot and headed onto the highway.

My mom turned on the radio and started jamming out I just put my music on and looked out of the window the whole time.

A couple of hours later me and my mom finally decided to head home after our long day of shopping. My mom said your dad is already home and he picked up food for us.

I yawned and said ok sounds good I decided to turn off my music for the remainder of the car ride home. Me and my mom talked about random shit and laughed together on the way home.

I said damn I'm tired my mom laughed and said yea me too and it's only 5 pm. I sighed and said ugh that actually sucks my mom laughed and said yea I agree with you Elle.

A little while later my mom pulled into the driveway and parked and turned off the car and we both got out and closed our doors. My mom locked the car after we got everything out and headed to the front door.

Me and my mom walked up the porch and headed over to the front door and unlocked it and opened the door. My dad and siblings were at the table eating.

I went upstairs and put my bags down and plugged my phone in and changed and headed downstairs. I sat down at the table and ate dinner and hung out with my family for a while.

A little while later we all went into the living room and hung out together and watched movies. I got up and went into the kitchen and made some coffee.

A couple minutes later I started drinking my coffee and went upstairs while everyone hung out in the living room. I closed my door and turned on the fan I put my cup down and turned on some music.

I put my hair up and sprayed some body spray on and started going through my closet. A little while later everyone went upstairs my mom came in my room with trash bags.

Me and my mom went through my closet and reorganized it. My mom said I like your music I laughed and said thanks she laughed and said your welcome.

My mom said Elle it's 2 am we should get sleep we will donate your clothes tomorrow I said ok and gave her a hug and she left my room.

I used the restroom then climbed into bed and plugged my phone in and turned off my music and went to sleep a couple minutes later.

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