6 Saturday

34 2 0


I checked my phone and noticed the time and sighed. My phone said 2 am I couldn't go to sleep so I put my phone down and got out of bed.

I grabbed a cold coffee and opened it and started drinking it. I put it down and went into my bathroom and used the restroom then headed back into my room.

My phone started ringing so I picked it up and answered it. Andy said hey Elle what are you doing I said nothing and continued drinking my coffee and put it down.

Andy said well I can't sleep I drank a monster before laying down now I'm wide awake. I started laughing and shook my head and said shit I have to clean my tattoos.

Andy said ok and hung up I went into my bathroom and washed my tattoos and dried them carefully. After I did that I walked back into my room and picked up my phone and called Andy back.

He answered and said hello I said so what do you want to do. Andy laughed and said sneak out and drive around town. I smiled and said hell yea he said ok meet me outside I said ok and hung up.

I put my coffee up and put on my shoes and said fuck it and grabbed my coffee and phone. I quietly headed out of my room and snuck downstairs smiling widely.

I grabbed the house key and unlocked the front door and walked outside and closed the door and locked it. Andy was standing by his car holding his key while smiling widely.

I walked off my porch and over to Andy he laughed and said wow you are a Rebel. I said I am true to my words and smiled widely he laughed and said good and opened my door.

I said thank you and got into the car and Andy closed my door and walked away. I locked my door and buckled up Andy got in the car and closed the door and locked it and buckled up.

Andy handed me the aux cord and said you know what song you should play. I smiled and said hell yea and he said ok and I plugged it in.

Andy turned on the car and I said oh my God I love that sound of the car turning on. Andy smiled and said uh ye me too Andy rolled down the windows and I turned on Rebel Love Song.

Andy smiled and started driving out of the driveway. I smiled and looked out of the window and Andy started driving out of the neighborhood.

There was a nice breeze blowing my hair and the moon looked extremely beautiful. I smiled and looked at the street lights while Andy drove.

Andy grabbed a cigarette and lit it up while driving. I bit my lip and smiled while looking out of the window. I smiled and said Andy he said uh huh and tapped his cigarette on his car.

I said so have you ever been rebellious like this Andy laughed and said no you brought out a new side in me. I said I hope it's good Andy laughed and said oh yea no I feel like a teenager again.

I smiled and said can I be honest with you he said ye while blowing out some smoke. I said right now in this moment I feel free and like I'm in a movie.

Andy smiled and said nice I feel the same way I dont want tonight to end. I said yea me neither I said I have never felt more free in my whole life.

Andy smiled and said yea I agree with you me and juliet never did anything this crazy and adventurous. I said wow I said I guess I just want to enjoy every second of life.

Andy smiled and said yes that sounds like a good idea I watched while Andy drove down the highway. I started smiling while the breeze got stronger.

Andy tossed his cigarette out of the window and I looked for music to listen to. I put on some Alkalin Trio and Andy said OH MY FUCKING GOD I LOVE THIS BAND SO MUCH.

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