46 Tuesday

14 1 0


I can't believe me and Andy are getting eloped Saturday I'm super excited about it andys parents are flying in on Thursday so I can meet them.

Also the rest of the band is also going and so is Lee and noahs family Lee is extremely excited and so is Noah I'm also kind of nervous as well.

I randomly woke up confused and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room and grabbed some clean clothes and headed back into my bathroom.

I closed the door and put my clothes down and turned on the shower I ended up getting a cold coffee out of my mini fridge so I wouldn't fall asleep in the shower.

A couple minutes later I got in the shower and closed the curtain and walked under the shower head everyone else was still asleep.

An hour later I got out of the shower and dried off and changed and sprayed some body spray on and headed back into my room.

I picked up my dirty clothes and put my coffee back in the fridge and plugged my phone in and climbed into bed and got comfortable.

I fell asleep a couple minutes later a couple of hours later my dad and mom woke up and my mom used the restroom then she came out and woke up me and my siblings.

After my dad finished getting ready he headed downstairs and went into the kitchen and made coffee then he left for the day.

I woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom.

I headed back into my room and changed and sprayed some body spray on and grabbed everything I needed and headed downstairs.

My siblings were also finished getting ready and they headed downstairs and went into the living room with my mom.

I made some coffee for the day then I left with Lee so we could head to school for the day we ended up jamming out together.

A couple minutes later we finally got to school then we parked and got out the car and closed our doors and Lee locked his car.

Noah was standing next to his motorcycle talking to a couple of girls I laughed and shook my head Lee said what a player we started laughing and walked towards the school building.

Me and Lee walked into the building together Lucy and Jack were making out next to their locker.

Lee said oh my God I'm gonna be sick and we quickly walked past them I said ew what the fuck can't yall do that after school.

Andy was busy greeting people I smiled and walked past him he said morning Elle and Lee we said morning Mr. Biersack while we were walking.

I said do you think Noah is gonna be late Lee laughed and said he was pretty into those girls so possibly I shook my head and said cool.

We walked to our class and the teacher stopped me Lee stood next to the door I said yes the teacher said I kinda wanna ask Mr. Biersack out.

I laughed and said like I said he's married and he wouldn't cheat on his wife she let go of my arm and said well one time wouldn't hurt.

I felt extremely pissed I walked away and Lee shook his head and said I can't believe our teacher is like that me and Lee sat down and I felt like I wanted to explode.

I quickly texted andy and told him everything and he said oh my God I would never cheat on you that made me feel a lot better.

A couple minutes later Jack and Noah came into class and sat down in their seats I shook my head and told Noah everything he looked pissed off as well.

I said our teacher needs to back the fuck off Lee said I agree with you she needs to find someone out of school I yawned and said I know.

A couple minutes later the bell rung and everyone came in and sat down in their seats and the teacher closed the door and walked over to her desk.

She looked a little too happy Lee shook his head and we started laughing together the teacher took attendance and sent it to the principal.

A couple minutes later Andy unlocked the door and walked in I jumped and said Jesus I thought we were all going to die Lee and Noah started laughing.

Andy smiled and the teacher started acting flirtatious and she said why hello Mr. Biersack how may I help you.

Andy looked extremely uncomfortable and said uh I need Lee Noah and Elle in my office right now we all said shit in sync.

Me Lee and Noah grabbed our stuff and got up and started walking out of the classroom and went into the hall.

Andy told the teacher bye and thank you and she continued being flirtatious and said no problem any time Andy closed the door and locked it and said what the fuck.

We all started laughing together I said oh I know don't worry we all started walking down the hallway towards the front office.

Andy opened the door to the front office and we all walked in the lady at the front desk looked at all of us walking in the office.

I smiled while we all walked towards Andy's office I said the hell were they looking at he laughed and said who knows honestly.

We all walked into his office and sat down in the chairs and put our bags down andy locked the door and closed it and sat down at his desk.

I started feeling anxious Lee noticed and he grabbed my hand and said it's ok Elle I said ok and let out a breath I was holding in.

Andy smiled and said so me and Elle are getting married this Saturday and my parents are flying in Thursday I smiled and said yea.

Lee smiled and said congratulations I'm really happy for you guys Noah said are we invited Andy laughed and said yes you guys are invited.

Noah and Lee smiled and said yea I'm happy we are invited Andy said I absolutely will not hurt her I promise Noah and Lee smiled and said good.

We stayed in his office for awhile then we left and headed back to our class since we only had 20 minutes left of class.

After class ended everyone walked out of class and headed to their next class for the day Noah said well Elle is getting married soon.

Lee hit him and said shut up Noah she doesn't want people knowing he said oh shit my bad we all started laughing together and I shook my head and said oh boy.

A couple minutes later we all got to class and sat down in our seats Noah put his legs on his desk I said oh my God Noah he started laughing and said I'm comfortable.

I laughed and shook my head and looked at Lee he said I can't believe Noah just put his legs on his desk I said are you surprised.

Lee laughed and said actually no I'm not surprised because it's Noah and he acts like anywhere is home I laughed and Noah said shut up Lee and I covered my face.

A couple minutes later the bell rung and the teacher closed the door and went to her desk and sat down and took attendance and sent it to the principal.

The teacher passed out color pencils and also color sheets Noah smiled and said well this should be a lot of fun I laughed and started coloring.

Lee said well I definitely don't mind not doing anything in our classes I laughed and said senior year is gonna be easy for us.

A couple of hours later school finally ended and everyone walked out of the building and walked through the parking lot.

Me and Lee left the parking lot and drove down the highway towards my house I smiled while looking out the window.

A little while later Lee dropped me off and he headed back to his house I got ready for bed then I headed downstairs and ate dinner with my family.

After we finished eating we picked up our dishes and went into the living room and watched a movie.

An hour later we all headed upstairs and went into our rooms and went to bed for the night since it was getting late.

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