61 a couple of months later

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I can't believe it is officially our last week well for seniors anyway we have graduation practice all next week and I am so ready to get out of school.

Lee is gonna spend the night and I'm super excited because we are gonna talk about what life will be like after graduation.

Noah is going to Harvard in August and Lee is going to burkley in August as well and I'm not going to college yet.

I randomly woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

It's finals week and I am absolutely not excited but I can't wait to get it all over with Lee is excited to stay the night which was adorable.

I brushed my hair and teeth and thought about how fast school flew by I felt my eyes watering and I continued brushing my teeth.

A couple minutes later I headed back into my room and changed and sprayed some body spray on I heard my dad wake up and use the restroom.

I got a monster and opened it my mom came in my room and I said morning she said ok and closed my door and woke up my siblings.

I laughed and said ok and took a sip of my drink and grabbed everything I needed and headed downstairs and went into the living room.

I used the restroom then I sat back down on the couch and waited for everyone else to wake up and get ready for the day.

A little while later my mom and dad came downstairs my dad made coffee really quick then he left and headed to work for the day.

My mom made a cup and came into the living room and sat down on the couch I took a sip of my monster she said you ready to graduate I said yea I guess so.Noah.

A couple minutes later my siblings came downstairs and said it's your last week Elle I said ugh I know I can't believe it.

A little while later Lee picked me up and Noah was in the back seat after I got in and buckled up we took a group picture then Lee started driving out of the neighborhood.

Lee said I can't wait to spend the night we all started laughing together Noah said can I join I said um sure why not we all go swimming.

Noah said I'm gonna pack my bag after Lee drops you off I laughed and said that's fine with me Lee was busy jamming out while driving down the highway.

I smiled and said sleep over we all started jamming out to music while driving down the highway the breeze felt really good against my skin.

I bit my thumb and watched the cars passing us by I said I'm gonna miss this a lot Noah sighed and said me too Lee said I'm just a driver we all started laughing together.

A little while later we all got to school and parked and got out and headed into the school building I said well its almost over.

Lee grabbed my hand and said we got this I smiled and said good I'm glad because I'm shitting myself nervous and we started laughing together.

Noah was also walking next to me I smiled and bit my lip and we walked into the building Andy walked over to us as soon as we walked in.

He said you guys are getting your cap and gowns and also your year books I said cool and we walked away and headed to class.

Lee said ugh finals week is the worse I said are we doing all of them today Lee said no we will take a couple today and tomorrow.

I started feeling anxious on the way to our class Noah held my hand and said it's ok Elle we got it we are almost done with this Era in our lives.

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