47 Thursday

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I was super busy yesterday so I wasn't able to go to school which didn't bother me at all andys parents are flying in today so he might leave school early.

I randomly woke up to the sound of my phone ringing I woke up and and answered it and said hello Andy said hey babe.

I smiled and said hi how are you he said my parents plane is gonna land at noon so I will have to leave and go pick them up.

I yawned and said that's fine with me he smiled and said I let the assistant principals know so I won't get in trouble I laughed and said nice.

I quickly used the restroom then I headed back into my room and climbed into bed and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

A couple of hours later my dad woke up and got ready for work then he woke up me and my siblings a couple minutes later my mom woke up and headed downstairs and went into the living room.

After my dad was finished getting ready he headed downstairs and left for work for the day I forced myself out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

Andy also let me know that he bought our wedding rings after he left school yesterday I told him I was busy helping my mom with things she couldn't do by herself.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room and changed and sprayed some body spray on I grabbed a monster out of my fridge.

I grabbed everything I needed and headed downstairs and went into the living room with my family a couple minutes later I left with Lee and headed to school.

Lee smiled and said you ready Mrs. Biersack I started laughing and said yes I am super excited about getting married Saturday.

Lee started driving out of my neighborhood I turned on the radio and smiled when I heard my favorite song come on the radio.

A little while later me and Lee finally got to school and parked and headed inside Noah was waiting next to the lockers for me and Lee.

I smiled while walking down the hallway Noah met up with us and said hey losers I laughed and said ow thanks he said oh my bad.

Lee said so noah you excited about the game Noah said hell yea why wouldn't I be excited for our first football game of the season.

Lee and Noah continued talking about their upcoming game while we all walked together I just drank my coffee and let them talk.

I noticed Andy outside of the front office greeting people our teacher from first period was standing next to Andy and flirting he looked uncomfortable.

I rolled my eyes and said the bitch will never get a hint will she Lee said nope I don't think so I shook my head and continued walking down the hallway.

I said you know what fuck it I'm gonna walk up to andy Lee said that's bad bitch energy and we all started laughing together I turned around and started walking towards Andy.

I smiled and said good morning Mr. Biersack he looked at me and looked relieved he smiled and said morning Elle how are you.

I said I'm doing really good i have a question about next week's football game he said sure what is your question I said are we going to have a pep rally.

Andy said i will definitely have to look into that but I don't see why we shouldn't have a pep rally for the football team.

My teacher looked pissed and rolled her eyes and turned around and started walking away I said uh that was weird.

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