64 Thursday

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Today we practice for graduation then tomorrow is the big day I'm super nervous and I'm really gonna miss Noah and Lee when they leave.

I had a lot of fun on our senior trip yesterday Noah and Lee stayed by my side the whole time so no one would steal me that's what they always say.

I randomly woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I felt my head pounding slightly I said fuck I took some medicine and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room.

I still can't believe I got drunk at a water park and became best friends with my teacher huh crazy how alcohol works.

I climbed into bed and groaned fuckkkk and got comfortable and fell back asleep a couple minutes later.

A couple of hours later my dad woke up and used the restroom then woke up me and my siblings then he headed downstairs and made coffee then he left for work.

A couple minutes later my mom woke up and used the restroom then she headed into the hallway and made sure me and my siblings were awake then she headed downstairs.

I woke up and felt slightly better I yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom.

I headed back into my room and changed and sprayed some body spray on and grabbed everything I needed and headed downstairs and sat down on the couch.

My mom said Elle you got drunk at a water park I started laughing and said I know mom let's not talk about it she said you ready for tomorrow I said yea I guess.

A little while later Lee picked me up and I walked out of the house and climbed into the car I said we got our cap and gowns so we can wear them.

Noah was in the back seat I smiled and said who's ready to get out of school Lee said I am I smiled and said how fun.

I watched the cars pass by and it made me start thinking how this summer was going to go by really fast and I'm gonna loose my boys and I'm not ready.

A little while later we got to school and we all got out and headed to the gym since we couldn't go into the school building.

The guidance counselors were in the gym and they had a bunch of seats in front of a stage and there was tarp on the floors.

We all had to sign in and we all had to sit on the bleachers and waited for graduation practice to start I rested my head on lees shoulder.

A little while later graduation practice started the guidance counselor started announcing last names in alphabetical order and we all went into our designated areas.

After we all got in our seats we went through the graduation ceremony I cried a little because of how nervous I am.

A little while later we ended up doing graduation dress rehearsal we all got in our cap and gowns and continued doing practice.

Me Lee and Noah took a group picture in our cap and gowns Lee cried a little while we were doing the practice I bit my lip and took deep breaths.

An hour later graduation practice ended and everyone left and was able to go home since we were done with practice until tomorrow.

Me Lee and Noah left school and got something to eat and hung out at the beach while eating lunch we also talked about random shit and laughed together.

I said well tomorrow is the big day Lee said yea how do you feel I said nervous summer is gonna go by fast Lee said yea I agree with you.

After we finished eating we threw our trash away and we all headed to my house a little while later Lee dropped me off and left and headed home.

My mom said hey Elle your home early I said yea I put my cap and gown up and I headed downstairs and hung out with my mom.

I ended up cuddling against my mom while we watched movies together she took a picture of us and posted it on Facebook.

A hour later I got up and made me and my mom some lunch and we talked about tomorrow and what we were doing after graduation.

After we finished eating I picked up our dishes then I headed back into the living room and layed down on the couch and cuddled next to my mom.

A couple of hours later my siblings finally came home and said hey your home early I said yea graduation practice ended early.

A little while later my dad came home with dinner and we all got up and went into the kitchen and sat down at the table and ate dinner together.

A couple minutes later Andy came over and he had a salad I laughed and shook my head and he sat down next to me he said Elle you should try on your cap and gown.

I bit my lip and smiled and said I will after dinner he said ok cool because I'm curious to see if it fits or not we talked about random shit and laughed together while eating dinner.

After we finished eating we threw our trash away and we all headed into the living room and sat down on the couch.

I went upstairs and changed into my cap and gown and took a picture I felt my eyes watering slightly I headed downstairs and went into the living room.

My mom said oh my God my baby my siblings said hey old ass my mom yelled at my brother Andy smiled and got up and walked over to me and gave me a hug.

I said hi he smiled and said I'm so proud of you I said thank you he smiled and said I love you I smiled and said I love you more.

My mom took a couple pictures then I went upstairs and changed for the night then I went back downstairs and hung out with my family.

An hour later Andy left then me and my family went upstairs and went into our rooms and went to bed for the night.

I told my dad not to wake me up because I'm not going to school he said that's fine then he went into his room.

I plugged my phone in and climbed into bed and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

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