20 Saturday

24 1 0


I randomly woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and got out of bed. I carefully walked around Lee so I wouldn't step on him and went to the bathroom.

I closed the door and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room. Lee woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and got off the floor.

He said fuck my back I started laughing and shook my head and he walked over to me and gave me a hug. I smiled and bit my lip he walked past me and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

A couple minutes later Lee walked out and said so Elle what do you want to do. I said um walk around the neighborhood Lee said yea sure why not.

I said ok cool me and Lee quickly put our shoes on and grabbed our phones and headed downstairs quietly. I walked towards the front door and grabbed the keys and unlocked the door.

Me and Lee walked out of the front door and I closed it and locked it. Me and Lee started walking down the porch Andy said hey Elle and Lee we jumped and looked at Andy.

He started laughing and said my bad I'm just smoking a cigarette me and Lee walked over to him. Me and Lee walked up the porch and walked over to Andy.

He smiled and said hey guys we said hey andy how are you. Andy said I'm good how about you guys I smiled and bit my lip.

Lee said oh Elle I said shut the hell up Lee he said oh my bad and started laughing and shook his head. Andy said um is someone catching feelings I laughed and said nope.

Andy said alright and stomped on his cigarette and grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him. Andy was extremely close to my face and I felt my breath hitch in my throat.

Andys breath smelt like mint and cigarettes he smiled and said are you ok Elle. I said yes and he let me go and I pulled back and felt like the air was being chocked out of my lungs.

Lee said Elle are you ok I looked at him and quickly turned around and started running off of the porch and ran down the sidewalk.

I heard Andy and Lee running after me I felt like my heart was pounding against my ribcage.

Andy and Lee continued running after me Andy said damn I should exercise more. I turned down the street and Andy and Lee stopped running after me.

I quickly called Noah even though I couldn't breathe Noah answered and said Elle hey Jesus I can't understand you what. I said pick me up by the stop sign by my house he said ok and quickly hung.

A couple minutes later Noah showed up in Lee's car he said get in. I quickly got in and said drive he said ok and hit the gas pedal I started laughing and shook my head.

Noah said so what the fuck happened he parked at the beach and looked at me. I said um I think I have feelings for our principle. Noah said Elle what the fuck and we started laughing together.

Lee called and Noah said yea I have Elle we are at the beach relax I said Noah and hit his chest. He said oh hey no don't do that the fuck I said what the fuck why would you tell Andy.

He said I'm sorry and hung up and put his phone down and said oops. I laughed and said its fine its whatever he said ok you sure I said yea he said alright.

A little while later Andy and Lee got out of the car and walked over to me. Andy said Elle what the fuck you run like a God damn track star.

I said oh well I learned to run from my dad so he wouldn't beat me every one went quiet and said fuck. Andy said so why did you run away I said I'm running away from my feelings.

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