19 Friday

24 1 0


My mom came in my room and turned on the lights and said Elle it's time to get up. My mom closed my door and went to wake up my siblings.

I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and got out of bed. I went into the bathroom and closed the door and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom.

It was hot outside so I decided to wear a black tank top with black shorts and vans. I sprayed some body spray on and also put my hair up and grabbed my phone and bag.

After I grabbed everything I needed I walked out of my room and closed my door and headed downstairs into the living room. My mom was sitting on the couch waiting for my siblings.

My mom said Elle you wanna go get in the car I said ok and she handed me the keys. I got up and unlocked the front door and opened it and walked out and closed the door.

I said what if I drove to school I texted Lee and asked if he had a car he said yea you want me to get you. I said yea and texted him my address and he said on my way I said ok.

I headed inside and closed the door and said Lee is gonna come get me my mom said ok and I handed her the keys. My siblings came downstairs and said we are ready.

My mom and siblings left and I waited for Lee I walked out of the house when he said he was here. I locked the house my house key and put it in my bag.

Lee had a camero with the top lifed down I smiled and got in the car and closed the door. I said thanks he smiled and said of course and started driving out of the neighborhood.

I buckled up while he drove down the highway he said Noah is already at school I laughed and said nice. He said yea Noah has a motorcycle I said woah no way.

Lee laughed and said yea I said badass much and we started laughing together. A couple minutes later Lee parked the car and we both got out and closed the doors.

Lee locked the car and we walked up the stairs and walked into the school building. Lee opened the door and I smiled and walked in and he followed behind me and we walked to class.

A couple of seconds later we got to class Noah was sitting in his seat and me and Lee sat down. Noah said hey Elle I smiled and said hi he said foot ball try outs today.

I said yep and smiled a couple minutes later more students continued walking into class and sat down in their seats.

A couple of minutes later the bell rung and everyone came into class and sat down in their seats and the teacher closed the door and walked over to her seat.

The teacher started taking attendance then sent it to the principal and said we are gonna have a movie day. Everyone cheered and she turned on the projector and sat back down.


After that the morning announcements ended and the teacher turned on a movie. Jack said are you watching foot ball try outs Elle I said yea he smiled and said cool.

I said yep he said so they ate having cheerleading try outs soon I said heelll no I'm good. Lee and Noah laughed and said well are you gonna do any activities.

I said I prefer staying home and not associating with more people after school they laughed and said nice. The teacher put on a movie and turned off the lights.

Everyone looked at the board and continued talking to their friends. I bit my lip and felt my eyes watering slightly because I started thinking about my Dad and I didn't know why.

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