63 Wednesday

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We finally finished all of our finals and the teachers are putting our final grades in today we are also going on a senior trip today and I'm excited about it.

We are starting graduation practice tomorrow and we graduate on Friday and I'm so excited and nervous about it as well.

I randomly woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room and climbed into bed and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

A couple of hours later my dad woke up and used the restroom then he woke up me and my siblings then he headed downstairs and made coffee then he left for work after he got ready.

A couple minutes later my mom woke up and used the restroom then she made sure me and my siblings were awake then she went downstairs.

I forced myself out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room.

I changed and sprayed some body spray on and grabbed everything I needed and headed downstairs and went into the living room and waited for Lee to pick me up.

A couple minutes later my siblings came downstairs and sat on the couch Lee honked his horn and I got up and left and closed the door.

I saw Noah in the back seat I smiled and shook my head and got in the car and buckled up Lee said let's go ladies.

We all started laughing together while Lee drove out of the neighborhood I looked out my side mirror and saw my mom leave with my siblings.

Lee turned on the radio and we all said ah shit in sync because our song came on we started laughing and singing along to the music.

Noah took a video and posted it on Instagram and Snapchat I smiled while looking at the palm trees Lee was in his own little world.

A little while later we all finally got to school and headed inside we didn't have our backpacks because we didn't need them anymore.

A couple minutes later we got into the building and I laughed while looking at Andy he was staring at me confused he said Elle come here.

I said dammit Noah and Lee walked with me as well Andy said what is so funny I said I have no idea he said ok well you guys are leaving in first period.

We talked to andy for a couple minutes then we headed to class and sat down in our seats and waited for class to start.

Ms. Sumner said all we are doing is I'm taking attendance and you guys are going on your senior trip for the rest of the day.

A little while later the bell rung and the teacher closed the door and walked over to her desk and sat down and took attendance and sent it to the principal.

A couple minutes later the announcement came on and Andy said ALL THE SENIORS PLEASE COME OUT TO THE FRONT OF THE BUILDING AND BORD THE BUSSES NOW.

After the announcement ended all the seniors got up and walked out the building and got on the busses I sat in the middle of Lee and Noah.

Noah was next to the window and Lee was on the other side of me Lee said I'm gonna protect you I laughed and put my earbuds in and started listening to music.

Lee wrapped his arm around my shoulder while waiting for the bus to start driving I yawned and rested my head on his shoulder.

A little while later the bus finally started driving out of the parking lot I looked at Noah and he was staring out the window.

Noah turned and looked at me and smiled my favorite song came on and I said oh my songs on Lee and noah started laughing I started vibing to my song.

Noah ended up falling asleep on my shoulder Lee was busy talking to his friends and I was listening to music the whole ride.

A hour later we finally got to the water park I said oh what the fuck Noah woke up and said huh I started laughing at least we all put on our bathing suits.

Lee said well we can all get some sun and ans hang out together I laughed and said yea thats true.

A little while later we all got off the bus and walked towards the Waterpark we all walked in and headed to the lockers me Lee and Noah put all of our stuff together.

After we did that we put on sunscreen then we met back up with our group there were a couple of other schools as well.

I started feeling anxious because there was so many people Lee and Noah stayed close to me every one walked around the water park.

Me Lee and Noah went to a huge water slide I said oh shit Noah held my hand and we went up the stairs I closed my eyes because I'm scared of heights.

A couple minutes later we got to the top and I felt like I wanted to throw up we got on an intertube and the guy pushed us.

I screamed and covered my face Noah held onto me because I was freaking out suddenly I uncovered my face and we were in the pool.

After we got out we went to the lazy river and relaxed for a while I smiled while looking at Lee he laughed and layed his head back and it touched the water.

An hour later we ended up tanning for a while Ms. Sumner sat next to me while Lee and Noah went to go hang out with their friends.

Ms. Sumner said well I'm never going to end up with andy I said he's my husband she said are you fucking kidding me I laughed and said no.

She got up and said Elle Biersack I smiled while looking at her and said yes she said wow congrats I'm happy I said we got eloped she smiled and gave me a hug.

She said I'm sorry for being such an ass about it I said no its ok I know he's hella sexy she sat down and we started laughing together.

We ended up talking about our lives and getting to know each other and it was actually really nice getting to know her.

A couple of hours later Lee and Noah met up with me and Ms. Sumner we were both drinking a daiquiri Noah said oh boy I started laughing and said hey boys.

Lee said we left her alone for a couple hours she's drunk and best friends with our teacher ms. Sumner said she's married to the principal I giggled and said fuck yea.

A little while later we left the water park Noah had to help me change and carried me to the school bus I said I'm gonna be fucked tomorrow.

Lee started laughing and said definitely I ended up falling asleep the rest of the way to the school after we got to school every one left and went home.

Lee carried me and buckled me up I woke up while Lee was driving down the highway I said what the fuck happened Noah said you fell asleep Elle I said oh ok.

A little while later I got dropped off and changed and went downstairs and ate dinner and tried to sober up my mom laughed and shook her head.

After we finished eating we all headed upstairs and went into our rooms and went to bed for the night I took a shower and had a spa night then I ended up crashing in my bed for the night.

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