22 Monday

18 1 0


I absolutely did not want to go to school today because of what jack did at the party.

I woke up and felt miserable my mom woke up my siblings and I felt like I wanted to throw up all over again.

Jack took the most precious thing away from me that I have been saving for my future husband.

I have no idea if I plan on going to anymore parties for the rest of the year my mom came in my room and turned on the lights and said Elle it's time to wake up.

My mom closed my door and headed downstairs and went into the kitchen and made breakfast for her since she was probably starving.

I forced myself out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door I looked in the mirror and didn't recognize myself.

I felt absolutely disgusted I brushed my hair and teeth and used the restroom then I headed into my room and changed and sprayed some body spray on.

Lee said he is gonna pick me up for school today so I don't have to deal with my mom he is such an amazing friend.

I'm also really happy Noah beat the shit out of jack for what he did to me on Saturday I grabbed everything I needed and headed downstairs and went into the living room.

I told my mom Lee is gonna pick me up she said ok you alright Elle you don't look good I laughed and said I'm  fine and headed outside.

Andy was already gone and at school I was terrified to tell him I'm also extremely embarrassed this is not how I wanted my first week to go.

A couple minutes later Lee picked me up and we drove down the highway listening to music together he sighed and said you ok Elle.

I sniffed and said he raped me Lee sighed and said don't worry he won't bother you anymore me and Noah are gonna protect you.

I smiled and gave him a hug and said thank you so fucking much he kissed my head and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

After we got to school we headed inside and walked down the hallway towards our class Noah met up with us as well.

Lucy walked up to us and said how did you guys enjoy the party I immediately felt sick and turned around and ran to andys office.

Noah and Lee ran after me as well I ran into andys office and he said you ok I shook my head and said Lucy is bothering us.

Andy rolled his eyes and walked us to class jack sat down in front of me and he turned and looked at me and Lee immediately switched seats Noah decided to sit next to jack.

Lee said we have football practice again after school I sighed and said how fun Andy looked at me and knew something was wrong.

He said Elle come to my office after your teacher takes attendance I said shit and he walked away and headed down the hallway.

Lee said I'll go with you I said thank you he smiled and said no problem Elle and he wrapped his arm around me and kept me close to him.

A little while later the bell rung and the teacher took attendance and I let her know Mr. Biersack needed me and Lee and we went to his office.

I felt like I was gonna pass out Lee kept a firm hold on my arm so I wouldn't pass out we went into his office and sat down.

Andy said ok what the fuck happened at the party because Elle is clearly traumatized and has a handprint on her face.

I looked down and felt like I was gonna cry Lee told Andy what happened Andy looked absolutely pissed off.

Andy said so noah beat the shit out of jack because he raped Elle Lee said yea and me and Noah are now extremely protective of her.

Andy slammed his hands on the table and stood up and said she just moved to a new school and this happens her first week.

I started crying and Lee pulled me to his chest and started rubbing my back to help calm me down Andy apologized and I got up and gave him a hug he said I'm so sorry Elle.

I looked at him and said there's nothing you can do he said I'm gonna ban jack from the football team Lee said honestly please or I will beat the shit out of him.

Andy sighed and said I'm here and everything is gonna be ok I said thanks he smiled and kissed my head and said if you need me call or text or come to my office I said ok.

Me and Lee stayed for a while longer and Andy made me feel a lot better after he banned jack from the football team.

A little while later me and Lee went back to class and sat down Noah immediately turned around and gave me a hug and I smiled and said thank you.

He said we got you Elle ok I said good because I only have you and Lee he said I know I put my forehead on his chest.

A little while later the bell rung and everyone headed to their next classes for the day Noah and Lee stood next to me while we all walked to class together.

I said so you guys going to football practice also Noah and Lee made it on the team and I'm really happy for them.

Noah and Lee laughed and said uh duh who do you think we are we all started laughing and headed to our next class and sat down in our seats.

Andy texted me and asked how I was doing I said a lot better he said good I'm glad.

Lucy walked up to us and said Noah there's a party at Jack's house this weekend you guys should go Noah said we are gonna be busy.

She scoffed and rolled her eyes and walked away I looked at Noah because I couldn't breathe he said Elle relax we are gonna do something else this weekend.

I calmed down and said ok good Lee said you can breathe I let out the breathe I was holding in and relaxed and took deep breaths to calm me down.

The rest of the day went by extremely quickly after the last bell rung every one left the school building me Lee and Noah headed to the football field.

Jack was also there but the coach said he was banned he looked extremely mad and said why the hell am I banned the coach sighed and said go jack.

Jack ran off the football field pissed and cussing under his breath Noah laughed and shook his head I sat on the bleachers and watched the guys practice.

After football practice we all left and Lee dropped me off and headed home I went upstairs and changed and went downstairs and ate dinner with my family.

After we finished eating I headed upstairs and went into my room and talked to andy and told him what happened at the party and he made me feel better.

An hour later I started getting tired so I plugged my phone in and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

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