17 Wednesday

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I randomly woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched. I started thinking about my Dad and I started crying again I grabbed my phone and called Andy.

He answered and said hey Elle what's up I couldn't breathe or talk so I hung up the phone and dropped it. I forced myself out of bed and used the restroom then headed downstairs.

I had my phone in my hand and I went downstairs while hyperventilating I unlocked the front door and walked outside and closed it.

Andy quickly ran over to me and I chocked out Andy and he immediately hoisted me up and sat down on the ground. I put my phone down and he held me tightly and kissed my shoulder.

Andy kept trying to calm me down and I couldn't stop crying. A little while later my dad walked out the front door and said oh I won't lock the front door.

Andy looked up and said I don't think she should go to school today my dad said no. I started shaking because I was crying so hard Andy said hey Elle shhh it's ok he started rocking me back and forth.

My dad said bye and left and drove out of the neighborhood Andy said I locked my house door. Andy got up and went into the house and he closed  the door and locked the front door.

Andy sat down on the couch and started singing softly to help calm me down. A little while later I finally stopped crying and kissed my shoulder and went to sleep.

Andy put me down on the couch and tucked me in my mom came downstairs and jumped and said Andy. He said look she had a major panic attack and I just got her to sleep.

My mom said oh he said yea keep her home today I will make an aception for the whole week. My mom said keep her home all week Andy said yes please she said ok I will.

Andy left and my mom locked the front door and sat down on the couch. A little while later my mom went upstairs and woke up my siblings for school.

I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched I felt like shit my head was killing me. My mom came downstairs and said Elle I said huh.

She said you aren't going to school for the rest of the week I said ok and yawned and got up and went upstairs and went into my room.

I plugged my phone in and climbed into bed and fell back asleep my siblings went downstairs. A couple minutes later my mom and siblings left and headed to school.

My mom left a couple minutes later while I was sleeping I woke back up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched.

I sighed and looked around my room and looked at the window and saw the sun. I got out of bed and walked into the bathroom and closed the door.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room. I climbed into bed and threw the blanket over my head and sighed and closed my eyes.

I started breathing slowly and fell asleep a couple minutes later while my mom was still gone. A little while later my mom came back and locked the front door and hung out downstairs.

A couple of hours later I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched I sighed and got out of bed. I walked into my bathroom and closed the door.

I used the restroom then headed back into my room room grabbed my phone and walked out of my room and headed downstairs and sat on the couch beside my mom.

My mom said how are you feeling Elle I said shit she said I'm sorry I said no its fine it just doesn't feel real. My mom said yea its probably all the alcohol he has been drinking I said yea probably.

Ever since my parents got divorced my dad became a really bad alcoholic and I haven't seen him since I was 16. My mom said how about we do something this weekend to help distract you.

I yawned and said ok sounds good my mom smiled and said ok good I will talk to your dad. I said ok and looked at my phone and started playing on it for a while.

A little while later I got up and went into the kitchen and made some food and got something to drink and sat down at the table and started eating and played on my phone.

After I ate I picked up my dishes and went back into the living room and sat down and hung out with my mom. Me and my mom talked for the whole day until she had to pick up my siblings.

A couple of hours later my mom said Elle I have to go I said ok and she got up and walked out of the front door and closed it and locked it.

I sighed because I was alone in the house and felt miserable I decided to go upstairs and lay in my bed and turn on some music and hang out in my room.

A little while later my mom came home with my siblings and got dinner ready. A couple minutes later my dad came home and ate dinner as well.

I went downstairs and ate dinner then went back upstairs and hung out in my room for the rest of the night. I plugged my phone in and put it down and went to sleep for the night.

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