54 Christmas break Monday

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I can't believe Christmas is coming soon andys parents flew in yesterday and I helped my mom decorate the house and tree last week.

My mom and andys parents are going Christmas shopping today from what I heard so I'm gonna help out Andy and my dad with decorations.

I woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

After I graduate I might leave and go on a vacation with andy if he doesn't go on tour with the guys Noah got accepted into Harvard and we were all excited about that.

We had a bunch of midterms last week which was extremely stressful me and Andy went a couple of dates which were really fun.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room I grabbed my phone and sprayed some body spray on.

I put my shoes on and headed downstairs and went into the kitchen I grabbed the house key I unlocked the front door and opened it and walked out of the house.

I closed the door and locked it and turned around and walked off the porch and driveway I decided to go for a run.

I said damn it's kinda chilly I started jogging down the sidewalk so I could get warm before I started running around the neighborhood.

A couple minutes later I started running around the neighborhood I heard my phone ringing and I stopped running I answered my phone and said hello.

Andy said what the hell are you doing right now I said going out for a run he laughed and said I'm outside vaping I said no cigarettes he said no I'm gonna stop that habit.

I smiled and said good I'm glad he smiled and said so my mom and your mom are going Christmas shopping I'm assuming.

I started walking again I said yea I think so he said my dad is gonna help decorate my house I said that sounds like fun.

Me and Andy talked for a while until I hung up and started running again an hour later I got back to my house I looked at Andy and smiled.

I walked up his porch and walked over to him Andy was holding his vape and he put it in his pocket and opened his arms.

I smiled and walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck and he leaned down and kissed me I smiled and said I love you.

Andy smiled and said I love you more I rested my chin on his shoulder and he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into a hug.

I felt warm and safe in his arms andy kissed my head and said we should both go inside and go to bed baby I said I need a shower.

He laughed and said you can go home and shower and go to sleep I said ok bye and I pulled back Andy smiled and kissed me and said night momma.

I started laughing and headed home and closed the door and locked it I took off my shoes and grabbed a water and headed upstairs.

I went into my room and closed the door and locked it I turned on some music and went into my bathroom I turned on the shower.

I used the restroom then I headed into my room and grabbed some clean clothes and also some lotion and body spray.

I continued drinking my water because I was extremely thirsty I headed back into my bathroom and closed the door.

I took off my clothes and got in the shower and closed the door and I walked under the shower head and leaned my head back.

An hour later I got out the shower and dried off and changed and sprayed some body spray on and grabbed my dirty clothes and phone.

I put my dirty clothes up and plugged my phone in I put on some lotion then I turned off my music and picked up my lotion and body spray.

I climbed into bed and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later a couple of hours later my mom and dad woke up and headed downstairs and went into the kitchen.

My dad made coffee while my mom went into the living room and sat down on the couch and played on her phone.

A little while later my siblings woke up and headed downstairs and went into the kitchen to look for food.

My sister smacked my brother and he started yelling at her I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and said shut the hell up I'm trying to sleep.

My dad started yelling at both of them I said fuck this I got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom.

I headed back into my room and grabbed my phone and headed downstairs and went into the kitchen and said all of you shut up please.

After they finished getting their food they went into the living room and sat down on the couch next to my mom.

I made some breakfast and also some coffee then I sat down at the bar and started eating and playing on my phone.

I also texted andy he said he can't wait to get out of the house after I finished eating I picked up my dishes and headed into the living room.

Someone started knocking on the door I said dammit I just sat down I walked to the front door and opened it and smiled andy and his parents came in and I closed the door and locked it.

We all headed into the living room and sat down on the couch I put my legs on andys lap and he smiled and said works too.

Amy started talking to my mom about the plans for today my sister screamed at her phone and we all jumped my dad fussed her and she got up and stomped upstairs.

I said IF YOU BREAK THE FUCKING FLOOR YOUR PAYING FOR IT she slammed her bedroom door my mom apologized.

Andy said Elle relax I said I'm gonna beat her ass andy grabbed me so I wouldn't get up and run after her I shook my head and said she's so damn disrespectful.

A little while later my mom got ready and her and Amy left to go Christmas present shopping Chris stayed over with us.

Andy said well how are we feeling about Christmas break I said I'm moving in with you andy started laughing and said I'm fine with that too.

Andy said I don't blame you for wanting to move out because you're step sister is crazy I laughed and said I know.

A little while later I headed upstairs and changed and sprayed some body spray on and headed downstairs and went into the living room.

Me and Andy left and went to his house I helped him out with decorating his house Andy smiled while doing the dishes.

Crow and femme were on the couch watching me decorate the tree I smiled and shook my head I leaned down and kissed their heads.

A couple of hours later my mom and Amy came back home and put the presents in my mom's room me and Andy headed back to my house so we could eat dinner.

We all sat at the table and ate dinner together and talked about our day Chris and my dad were busy doing work at our house.

After we finished eating we threw our trash away and headed into the living room and watched movies together me and Andy cuddled on the couch together.

My mom took a picture of me and Andy and posted it on Facebook andy said I'm happy your my wife I smiled and said I'm happy your my husband.

Amy and Chris smiled and said aw our sweet little babies me and Andy started laughing together I covered my face.

We ended up watching movies as a family my mom and Amy bonded through out the day and that made me and Andy happy.

A couple of hours later Andy and his parents left and went back to his house and my dad locked the front door.

After we got the house cleaned up around the house we headed upstairs and went into our rooms and went to bed for the night.

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