8 Monday

27 1 0


I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched. I opened my eyes and sighed and grabbed my phone and checked my notifications. I played on my phone for a while and I put my phone down.

A little while later I got out of bed and put my phone on my night stand and walked into my bathroom. I closed my door and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom.

I walked out of my bathroom and walked over to my night stand and grabbed my phone. I walked over to my closet and opened the curtains. I walked over to my vanity and sprayed some body spray in my room.

I yawned and stretched and walked back over to my bed and climbed in it and got comfortable. I fell asleep a little while later and went into a deep sleep.

A couple of hours later I woke up again and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched. I got out of bed and walked out of my room and headed downstairs.

I chilled on the couch I noticed my family wasn't awake yet. My dad had already left and went to work I yawned and started playing on my phone for a while.

A little while later my family finally woke up and came downstairs and went into the kitchen. My mom started making breakfast for all of us.

A couple minutes later I got off the couch and headed into the kitchen. My siblings were in the kitchen talking to my mom and they all laughed together.

A little while later we all ate breakfast and hung out in the living room and watched movies for the whole day. A couple of hours later my dad came home and ate dinner with us.

A little while later after we all finished eating dinner we hung out in the living room. A little while later I went upstairs and went into my room and used the restroom.

A little while later I got into bed and plugged my phone in and started playing on it and listened to music. A little while later I put my phone down and fell asleep for the night.

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