4 Thursday

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I randomly woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched. I smiled when I heard Andys voice coming from my phone. I grabbed my phone and checked the time and said ughh.

I turned off and my music and got out of bed I sighed and said 1 am. I yawned and went into my bathroom and used it and brushed my hair and teeth and walked out.

I walked back into my room and changed and grabbed my phone and put on my shoes. I sprayed some body spray on and walked out of my room and headed downstairs quietly.

I walked towards the front door and looked up towards the second floor my brother had finally went to sleep. I unlocked the front door and opened it and walked out and closed the door.

I turned around and started walking down the porch and down the driveway. I looked towards my neighbors house and saw the black challenger and smiled.

I said wait I remember Andy had a car like that I smiled and said um there is no fucking way he lives next to me. I laughed and walked down the driveway and walked onto the sidewalk and smiled.

There was a nice breeze on this hot summer night I plugged my earbuds in and put my phone in my pocket. I smiled while listening to music I put my hair in a messy bun before I left.

I continued walking down the sidewalk and looked around the neighborhood. There was a couple of street lights on it was extremely quiet in my neighborhood which was nice.

While I was walking I felt a hand on my shoulder and I jumped and instantly spun around. I felt my heart go in my throat I took out one of my ear buds and looked up.

I said Mr. Biersack he laughed and said call me Andy Elle since your a fan. I smiled and said um ok cool he smiled and said may I walk with you.

I said uh yea sure he said didn't mean to scare you I said its fine and laughed and turned around. I turned around and continued walking and turned down my music.

Andy said what ya listening to I laughed and said nothing and he grabbed my earbud and put it in. Andy smiled and said Billy idol I said yea he said I fucking love him.

I smiled and said yea me too Andy took out a cigarette and put it in between his lips and lit it and put up his lighter.

Andy laughed and said don't smoke cigarettes I smiled and said got it. Every time Andy inhaled the dangerous chemicals his jawline pocked out.

I bit my lip and looked at the ground Andy said so where did you move from. I said Florida he said no way I said um yea my parents went through a terrible divorce.

Andy said damn I'm sorry I said no my dad cheated on my mom countless times. Andy mumbled dick I said yea and he also sold the house I grew up in and took our car.

Andy said what the actual fuck I said yea he didn't want to pay for two houses. Andy shook his head and said wow what the fuck I said I know right.

Andy said a little while after me and juliet got divorced she moved out and moved into an apartment. I said I'm sorry he said no its ok we just agreed on mutual terms.

I said well thats good he said yea and sighed and said I miss her. I said yea I bet he said tell me about your self Elle. I smiled and said my dad was very mentally and verbally abusive.

Andy said wow I said yea so I started cutting at the age of 12. I said I have bad anxiety and depression Andy said wow I said yea but music has really helped me.

Andy smiled and said good I'm glad I also agree with you music has helped me a lot as well. I smiled and said yea its an escape from reality. Andy said I one hundred percent agree with you.

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