37 Monday

17 1 0


Lee went home yesterday and I was sad because I enjoyed spending time with him I don't have any other friends at school to hang out with besides the flynns.

I randomly woke up sweating and shaking because I had a nightmare I said oh my God that was awful I checked my phone and it said 2 am.

I had a dream me and Andy got into a car accident and he immediately died on impact I started breathing heavily and I felt like I was gonna have a panic attack.

I grabbed my phone and called Andy I said please pick up he answered and said hello Elle I started crying and hung up and put my phone down.

A couple minutes later Andy texted and said open the front door I got out of bed and headed downstairs and unlocked the front door.

I went outside and me and Andy sat on the porch and I told him about my dream he kept his arm wrapped around my shoulder.

He kissed my head and said Elle it's ok it was just a dream I said I know but it felt so real Andy sighed and said I hate when that happens.

A little while later I finally calmed down and said thanks he smiled and said no problem I gave him a kiss then we both went back to our houses.

I went upstairs and took a shower then I sprayed some body spray on and I climbed into bed and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

A couple of hours later my dad woke up and got ready for work then he woke up me and my siblings then he left for work.

A couple minutes later my mom woke up and made sure we were all awake then she headed downstairs and went into the kitchen.

I woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room.

I quickly changed and sprayed some body spray on and grabbed everything I needed and headed downstairs and went into the living room.

A couple minutes later Lee picked me up and we headed to school for the day I sighed and said I can't wait for graduation Lee laughed and said yea me too.

After we got to school we headed inside and started walking Andy stopped me and said are you feeling better since the nightmare.

I yawned and said I guess so he said if you need anything come to my office ok I said ok will do he said have a good day I walked away and said bye Mr. Biersack.

He said bye ms. Evans and behave I laughed and flipped him off Noah and Lee said damn you just flipped off our principle and didn't get in trouble nice.

We all started laughing together while walking to class Lucy and Jack were staring at us I rolled my eyes and said fuck them.

Noah said I would completely agree with that statement Lee said I want to go back home I laughed and said same.

I could feel something staring Noah had his arm around my shoulder I looked over my shoulder and saw Andy glaring at Noah.

I moved his arm off my shoulders Noah looked confused I said Andy is staring at us he said oh he thinks I like you.

I said uh probably Noah sighed and said boy I don't have feelings for your like a little sister to me I laughed and shoved him.

Me Lee and Noah all started laughing together on our way to class I smiled and shook my head I grabbed lees arm and smiled.

Lee looked at me and said um your man is gonna beat me up I laughed and said I won't let him Lee said thank God.

Noah sneezed I said bless you he smiled and said thank you and we all headed into our class and sat down in our seats.

I said I thought Jack was suspended for the week Noah said oh I thought Mr. Biersack said he was.

I said or maybe Jack doesn't care and still decided to come regardless of him being suspended or not Noah sighed and said I don't know elle.

I texted andy and said I thought Jack was suspended Andy said he is why is he at school I said uh yea.


The announcement ended and everyone looked at Jack he got up and grabbed all of his stuff and stormed out the classroom and left the building.

I looked at Noah he said damn never mind when Andy says something he means it I said yea Lee started laughing his ass off.

I said lee stop laughing the teacher took attendance and sent it to the principal and handed out worksheets to everyone.

Lee sighed and said great more worksheets I laughed and said your in school idiot he looked at me and said no shit Elle.

A little while later we all started working on our worksheets and discussing the answers.

Noah sighed and said I'm gonna rip this page apart I started laughing and said let me help you he handed me his paper and I started working on it.

After I finished Noah's page I handed it back to him Noah gave me a hug and said thank you so much elle I smiled and said no problem.

A couple minutes later we all got up and turned in our paper and sat back down in our seats a girl in the front turned around and looked at Noah.

I smiled and nudged Noah and he looked up and smiled and waved at the girl and she smiled and laughed and turned around.

An hour later class ended and everyone walked out of class and headed to their next class for the day I yawned and said I wanna go home.

Noah yawned and looked at me and said I can't wait to go home as well because school sucks ass Andy was waiting next to our next class with my teacher.

Me Lee and Noah and said hey Mr. Biersack he smiled and said hey how are you guys we smiled and said exhausted as hell.

Andy started laughing and said yea I don't blame you guys for being exhausted school will definitely take a lot out of you.

Me Lee and Noah all went into our class and sat down in our seats Andy walked away and headed back into his office.

A couple minutes later class started and the teacher took attendance and sent it to the principal and put on a movie Noah said I'm gonna check out.

I laughed and said I'm coming with you he yawned and said ok come on guys Lee said what's going on.

Noah said me and Elle are checking out me and Noah got up and walked out of class Lee got up and quickly followed after us.

A couple minutes later we all checked out and went out to eat together we ended up having a picnic on the beach and took pictures together.

I told Andy we checked out and he said ok just be careful driving home I put my phone down and got up and walked towards the ocean.

I smiled while looking at the ocean I enjoyed the smell of the salty ocean the sun felt really good against my skin I could feel Lee and Noah staring at me.

I turned around and looked at the guys Lee said I brought a football I smiled and shook my head a couple minutes later we all started playing football together.

A couple of hours later we all left because the sun was setting we took pictures then we all headed home for the night.

After Lee dropped me off I changed and went downstairs and ate dinner with my family and told them all about my day.

After we ate dinner we picked up our dishes and we all headed upstairs and went into our rooms and went to bed for the night.

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