41 Saturday

18 1 0


I randomly woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and said I fell asleep in the living room.

I got off the couch and went into the bathroom and closed the door and used the restroom then headed back into the living room.

I checked my notifications on my phone then I went into the kitchen and took some medicine and I also got a snack and something to drink.

I headed back into the living room and sat down on the couch and played on my phone and ate my snack since I was starving.

After I ate my snack I threw my trash away and went back to the couch and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

A little while later I woke back up and felt like I was gonna throw up I ran to the kitchen and threw up in the trash can.

I started crying because I didn't feel good a little while later I stopped throwing up and wiped my mouth and gargled some water.

I went back into the living room and layed down on the couch and fell asleep a couple minutes later after I got comfortable.

A couple of hours later my family woke up and headed downstairs and went into the kitchen my step dad made breakfast and coffee.

My mom walked over to me and said Elle you feel better I said no I threw my snack up this morning she said I'll get you some medicine.

I got up and quickly used the restroom and went back into the living room my mom gave me medicine and water and I sat down on the couch.

I stayed on the couch all day because I didn't want to get up at all my family came into the living room after they finished eating breakfast.

My dad put on a movie for everyone I drank my water through out the day to keep me hydrated I ended up falling asleep because I was exhausted.

A couple of hours later everyone ate dinner in the living room while watching movies I stayed asleep for the rest of the day.

A little while later I woke up and used the restroom then I continued drinking my water my mom also gave me more medicine.

An hour later they all headed upstairs and went into their rooms and went to bed for the night.

I felt lonely in the living room I ended up talking to Andy for a while so he could keep me company until I fell asleep.

I ended up falling asleep with andy on the phone so he hung up and went to bed for the night so he wouldn't wake me up.

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