58 friday

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I can't believe it's finally Christmas andys 28th birthday is tomorrow he keeps saying that he's getting old but he's not.

I randomly woke up shaking because I was freezing cold I said what the fuck I got out of bed and turned on my heater and used the restroom.

I headed back into my room and climbed into bed and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later since my room was getting warmer.

A couple of hours later my mom and dad woke up and used the restroom then they headed downstairs and went into the kitchen and cooked breakfast and also made coffee.

A little while later I woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room I turned off my heater and changed and sprayed some body spray on.

I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs and went into the kitchen and made a cup of coffee my mom said Andy and his parents are coming over.

I said ok that's fine with me I went into the living room and sat down on the couch and texted andy to see when they were coming over I put my phone down and drank my coffee.

My mom and dad started talking to each other I yawned and put my cup down on the coffee table a little while later my siblings woke up and headed downstairs.

They were extremely excited my mom said we had to wait for andy and his family they sighed and said ok I bit my lip and giggled.

I let andy know my siblings wanted to open presents he laughed and said they were getting some stuff then they were coming over.

A little while later Andy and his parents finally came over and put the food in the fridge then we all headed into the living room.

Andy put down a couple more presents under the tree andy sat down in front of me and I put my legs on his shoulders.

My mom took a picture of me and Andy and we started laughing together and we also took a group picture together and my mom put her phone down.

Chris decided to play Santa and he started passing out presents we also had some for my brother and his girlfriend andy looked at me and smiled and kissed my leg I laughed and shook my head.

While we were opening our presents someone knocked on the door I went to open the door and screamed my brother started laughing and walked in and gave me a hug.

I gave his girlfriend a hug as well and closed the door and locked it andy said what the fuck happened my brother hoisted me up and we went into the living room.

My mom said oh my God my baby she got up and gave him a hug after he put me down andy said ah so that's your brother I said yea and wiped my eyes.

They sat down and we continued opening presents my brother said how the fuck yall gonna let Elle get married before me and we all started laughing together.

Andy said well we got eloped but I understand he said ma she's 18 and absolutely bat shit crazy I started laughing and said honestly that's the truth andy started laughing as well.

I thumped his head and he said ah damn babe sorry for agreeing andy got us matching batman onsies with our last names on the back.

I also got skin care things and some band merch I also got a new phone case and charger I got andy a new wallet because he needed one.

A hour later we finished opening presents my mom and Amy went into the kitchen and started heating up the food.

Me and Andy helped throw away the wrapping paper and I put my stuff in my room i also helped my siblings out as well.

I'm really happy my brother was able to make it because I haven't seen him since I was 16 he also looked really happy to be with us.

I smiled and gave Andy a hug I said I told Noah and Lee my brother came home and they were super excited about it Andy laughed and said I bet.

A couple minutes later we all headed into the kitchen and started making plates of food the kitchen was filled with jokes and laughing.

I smiled because I was finally happy with the people I love around me I started cherishing every little moment I have with everyone.

Andy was sitting next to me at the table my phone started ringing I said shit and excused myself it was my dads wife I said whats up.

She said Elle your Dad's not dead I said what she said yea I know it sounds crazy but he's not dead somehow he was in a coma and they thought he was dead.

I said so your telling me my dad us alive she said yes and he's out the hospital and spending time with us I felt my eyes watering when I heard his voice.

We talked for a couple minutes then I went back into the kitchen I told everyone and my brother looked shocked and said are you serious I said yea he's alive.

My brother said well I'm gonna spend time with him when we are heading home my mom said that's fine with me now let's continue to enjoy our food.

I sat back down next to Andy he said we can talk about this later I  smiled and said ok thanks I appreciate it we talked about different other things in the mean time.

I said you excited to turn 28 tomorrow Andy laughed and said yea I'm totally excited I said you don't look old ok he smiled and said oh thank God I was worried.

Me and Andy started laughing together and he kissed my head and said I love you Elle I said I love you more Andrew he smiled and kept me close to him.

After we finished eating we picked up our dishes and the food then we headed into the living room and watched movies together.

A couple of hours later it started getting dark outside I checked my phone and it said midnight I yelled HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANDREW.

He jumped and started laughing and said thanks babe I said your welcome everyone started laughing and said happy birthday Andy he smiled and said thanks.

A little while later Andy and his parents left and my brother and his girlfriend went into our guest room and went to bed.

Everyone else went upstairs and went into their rooms and went to bed for the night I got comfortable in bed and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

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