65 friday

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I still can't believe I graduate today it doesn't feel real I thought we would graduate next week but I guess not.

I randomly woke up having a panic attack and I couldn't breathe I carefully got out of bed and fell and started hyperventilating.

I grabbed my phone and called Andy he said babe and I couldn't talk because I was breathing so heavily Andy said ok listen open your front door.

I chocked out ok and hung up I got up and carefully went downstairs and went outside so I could get fresh air ik absolutely terrified to graduate.

Andy ran to me and grabbed me and held me against his chest and he started kissing my head and rubbing my back he said breathe baby.

A little while later I finally calmed down and we sat down on the porch my eyes were red and puffy I leaned into his chest and Andy said you wanna talk about it.

I said I'm graduating Andy smiled and said you should be proud of yourself I said I am I'm just gonna miss Lee and Noah when they leave for college.

Andy said I know babe but at least you guys will stay in touch I said I know and he smiled and kissed my head and said you are gonna kill tonight I laughed and said thanks.

I said it's going to be ok right Andy said yes Elle it's going to be ok I grabbed his hand and held it close to my stomach.

Me and Andy continued talking for a while until I finally calmed down then we both went inside and went to bed for the night.

A couple of hours later my dad woke up and used the restroom then he woke up my siblings and he headed downstairs and went into the kitchen and made coffee.

My dad didn't wake me up because I graduate today and we don't have to go to school thank God my dad left after he made coffee.

A couple minutes later my mom woke up and used the restroom then she woke up my siblings she came in my room and said oh my bad and closed my door.

I woke up and said thanks mom she headed downstairs and went into the kitchen and made a cup of coffee then she went into the living room.

My siblings were being loud while getting ready I sighed and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room and climbed into bed and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

A little while later my mom left with my siblings so she could drop them off at school and come back home I woke up to a weird noise.

I said what the fuck I got out of bed and walked over to my window and looked out I saw a couple with a dog and they were arguing.

I rolled my eyes and said deal with your shit at your house I went into my bathroom and closed the door and used the restroom then I headed back into my room.

I sprayed some body spray on and grabbed my phone and headed downstairs and went into the kitchen and made coffee and breakfast and I sat down at the table and ate and played on my phone.

After I finished eating I picked up my dishes and headed into the living room and sat down on the couch and played on my phone while waiting for my mom.

A little while later my mom came home and sat down on the couch next to me and said today is the big day I said ugh I can't believe it.

Me and my mom talked about Lee and Noah coming over to sleep over tomorrow and we can have a graduation party together.

I hung out with my mom for a while then I headed upstairs and took a shower and had a skin care day I'm super nervous about graduation later.

After I finished doing my skin care I got my make up and hair things ready I also got my outfit picked out so I wouldn't have to worry about it.

A little while later I headed downstairs and hung out with my mom while we waited for my family to come home my dad is gonna take off early so we can get ready.

A couple of hours later my step family came home and we all went upstairs and started getting ready for graduation after we finished getting ready we took quick pictures then we left.

I was super nervous all the way to the stadium I played on my phone on the way to the stadium after we got there my parents dropped me off then they went to go find a parking spot.

I stood outside the stadium with Lee and Noah we were all extremely nervous about it we also took pictures together.

Andy let the parents go in and get a seat while all of the graduates got in a line while waiting for graduation to start we all stood behind the score board and waited on people to show up.

I sighed while standing in line everyone was talking to their friends I hung out with Lee and Noah and we took a couple pictures together I said hopefully everyone gets here soon.

A little while later everyone was finally here and we all got lined up and waited for us to get called so we could start walking.

A couple minutes later the music started and everyone started walking down the stadium parents were yelling and cheering for their kids I started getting anxious slightly.

We were walking side by side with a partner after we got to our seats the ceremony started I smiled while looking at Andy he started talking and said you may be seated and everyone sat down.

Andy started by thanking the parents for coming and he also did a little speech then he started announcing the valedictorians first.

I was all the way in the back and so was Lee and Noah I kept looking around there was a lot of people and it made me more anxious by the second.

After the valedictorians accepted their diplomas they sat down and Andy started announcing last names in alphabetical order.

A couple minutes later it was my turn and my line stood up and we walked toward the stage and lined up parents were still clapping and cheering for their kids.

A couple of seconds later it was my turn Andy said ELLE EVANS I smiled while walking and grabbed my diploma and shook Andys hand and walked away.

After I got to my line and sat down while they continued announcing names then it was Lee and Noah's turn.

Andy said LEE FLYNN I smiled and started clapping and cheering for Lee he laughed and shook his head then he went to his seat.

A couple people later Andy announced NOAH FLYNN he accepted his diploma and walked away I smiled while clapping and cheering for lee and Noah.

An hour later graduation was ending everyone moved their tassels and threw their caps in the air I decided to keep mine on we got our diplomas in the cover.

After graduation ended everyone left the stadium and went to go meet up with their families I saw my mom and started crying and gave her a hug.

Andys parents were here as well and we all took a picture even with Lee and Noah's parents we decided to just celebrate tomorrow since it was getting late.

After we left graduation we got food and headed home I changed and headed downstairs and ate dinner with my family.

After we finished eating we threw our trash away and headed upstairs and went into our rooms and went to bed for the night.

Me Lee and Noah are staying the night tomorrow and we are gonna have a graduation party together after I plugged my phone in I got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

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