9 Tuesday

25 1 0


I randomly woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched. Andy said his friends were sleeping over at his house. I went into my bathroom and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom.

I walked back into my room and walked over to my window and looked out the window. I looked towards the street and didn't see anyone.

I yawned and pulled back and walked back towards my bed and layed down and got comfortable. A little while later I closed my eyes and heard my dad walked downstairs and walked out of the front door.

My dad locked the front door and left and headed to work. I woke back up and yawned and stretched and moved my leg out of my blanket. I felt a breeze against my thigh and I yawned and smiled.

I got out of bed and walked over to my bathroom and used it then walked back into my room and layed down. I played on my phone while relaxing in my comfortable bed.

A little while later I got out of bed and walked out of my room and closed my door and headed downstairs. My family woke up a little while later and headed downstairs.

I said mom when is the first day of school my mom said August 10th I said ok. A little while later we all ate breakfast and I headed upstairs and went into my room.

I sat down on my bed and started playing on my phone and plugged my phone in and put it down. I headed downstairs and walked out of the front door and went to check the mail.

I noticed all of the guys had left and went to their houses. Andy walked out of his house and stood against his house and lit a cigarette.

I closed the mailbox and headed over to Andy and walked up his porch. Andy smiled and blew out the smoke I said hi morning he said hey morning I haven't seen or heard from you yesterday.

I said I'm sorry he said no its ok don't worry I said ok and looked up at him and he took a long drag of his cigarette and blew out the smoke.

I smiled and bit my lip and he looked at me and smiled and ran his knuckle against my jaw and he ran his thumb across my lower lip.

I said so school is August 10th he laughed and said yea I sighed and rolled my eyes. Andy started laughing and said ugh I know right babe.

He leaned down and kissed my head and pulled back and continued smoking. A couple minutes later I left Andys house snd walked back over to mine and locked the door.

My mom said was there any mail Elle I said no and she said ok and I went upstairs and into my room. I turned on my fan and also turned on some music and started jamming out.

I started doing some skin care and listened to music and drank some coffee and started to wake up. A little while later I continued doing skin care.

After I finished doing that I climbed into bed and played on my phone while listening to music. A couple of hours later my dad came home and I went downstairs and got food and went back upstairs.

I ate dinner in my room and put my dishes up and headed upstairs and used the restroom then climbed into bed. I chilled in my bed for the rest of the night till I fell asleep.

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