29 Tuesday

17 1 0


My cheek is still bruised from yesterday I came home and took medicine and kept an ice pack on my cheek for a while.

I told my mom what happened and she was extremely pissed off she said why would Lucy smack you I said the hell if I know.

I ended up turning on my alarm for in the morning I heard my dad wake up and get ready for work.

A little while later my mom woke up and headed in the hallway and wake my siblings up.

My alarm went off and I groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and turned it off and got out of bed.

My mom headed used the restroom then she headed downstairs and went into the kitchen and made a cup of coffee and sat down on the couch.

I heard my step sister yelling I sighed and said it's too fucking early for this shit I went into my bathroom and closed the door.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room and changed and sprayed some body spray on.

I grabbed everything I needed and headed downstairs and went into the living room and gave my mom a hug.

I heard a honk outside and said later and walked outside and said hey loserr Lee laughed and said hi.

I noticed Noah in the back seat I said wat the fuck Lee said I know he wanted to ride with us I smiled and said cool.

Noah said Elle your face is still red I said thanks I tried to cover it with makeup I got in the car and buckled up and Lee started driving out my neighborhood.

Me Lee and Noah all jammed out to music while driving down the highway we all started laughing together.

I watched the cars pass us by I smiled and looked at the pretty view while we were driving to school.

A little while later we got to school and parked and got out and headed into the building Lee locked the car and followed behind us.

I sighed when I saw Lucy and Jack together it made me nauseous I rolled my eyes and Lee grabbed my arm and we continued walking down the hallway.

Noah looked like he wanted to punch Jack in the face it made me smile knowing how protective they both are.

A couple minutes later we got to our first class and sat down in our seats Noah said how about we have a party this weekend.

I said Noah I got raped at a party he sighed and said you won't leave either me or Lee's side ok.

I rolled my eyes and said I don't know Lee said Noah are you sure that's a good idea Noah said we live in a mantion.

I said you guys got a pool Noah said yea I said count me in I love swimming Lee laughed and said we can also make smores.

I said I am a hoe for anything smores flavored and we all started laughing together and I bit my thumb and shook my head.

A couple minutes later Jack sat down in his seat and looked at me and said damn Lucy did a number on your face I said fuck off.

Jack said why are you being such an asshole Elle I didn't do anything to you Noah looked like he was about to snap.

Jack just turned around and crossed his arms over his chest I said unbelievable Lee wrapped his arm around me and said it's ok Elle we got you.

Noah sighed and ran his hand through his hair and said asshole I laughed and said agreed.

After class started we ended up taking notes for an upcoming test on Thursday which I am not excited about because I hate tests with a passion.

Noah and Lee decided they are gonna have the party Lee will invite people and Noah will help decorate when we get home from school.

Lee is gonna stay home Friday so he can get the supplies and decorate since he has to drop off his parents at the airport in the morning.

An hour later class ended and everyone walked out of class and walked down the hallway I walked next to Noah because Lee went to the bathroom.

A couple minutes later me and Noah sat down in our seats and waited for Lee to come into class.

After Lee came to class he sat down next to me and saw a pretty girl and said oh she's gorgeous I laughed and shook my head.

Noah smiled and said that's my baby brother I smiled and put my forehead on his shoulder and sighed.

Noah said Lee we need to invite people to the party Lee said ok I will don't worry I'll make sure Jack doesn't go.

I sat up and said good thanks I don't want him going and trying to do something again Lee said that's definitely not going to happen.

Noah cracked his knuckle and said if he does try to do something he's gonna have a busted up face I laughed and bit my lip.

A little while later class started and everyone started doing their own work I yawned and sighed I said I wanna go home.

Lee started laughing and said honestly I felt that an hour later class ended and everyone walked out of class and headed to their next class.

A couple of hours later school finally ended and I watched the guys football practice for a while.

After football practice we all headed home and ate dinner then we got ready for bed and went to bed for the night.

My family headed upstairs and went into their rooms and went to bed for the night.

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