3 Wednesday

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I yawned and stretched and looked at my phone and it said 4 am I put my phone down after I plugged it in. I rolled onto my stomach and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

A little while later my dad woke up and headed downstairs and left for work. I heard the front door close and I fell into a deep sleep.

A couple of hours later I heard my mom and brother wake up and go downstairs. I woke up a little while later and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched.

I rolled onto my back and my mom came into my room she said Elle I said uh huh she said I'm going get your brother and sister registered into school I said ok and she closed my door.

A couple minutes later my mom sister and brother left and went to go to school to get registered. I yawned and stretched and got out of bed and walked into my bathroom and used the restroom.

I walked downstairs and went into the kitchen and grabbed something to drink and eat and headed upstairs. I closed my door and chilled on my phone and ate some food and drank my coffee.

After I finished eating I put my stuff up and got out of bed. I headed downstairs and grabbed a water and headed upstairs and closed my door and turned on my fan.

I quickly changed and put my hair in a bun I grabbed my phone and turned on some music and put my phone down. I started stretching so I could exercise I started exercising during the summer.

After I finished stretching I started exercising while jamming out to music. A hour later I was completely covered in sweat and breathing heavily.

I got off my floor and drank some water then got clean clothes and took a shower after. After I got out the shower I was extremely hungry I headed downstairs and grabbed a salad and headed upstairs.

A little while later my mom came home and said Elle we are home I said ok. I finished eating and grabbed all of my trash and headed downstairs and threw it away.

I said I exercised and ate a salad and showered my mom said ok we got your siblings registered for school. I said ok cool that's fun we all hung out downstairs while they ate.

A couple of hours later my dad came home and we all ate dinner my mom said we are going school supplies shopping tomorrow.

I said cool how fun after we ate dinner we hung out in the living room. I went upstairs and went into my room and plugged my phone in and put on some music and went to sleep for the night.

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