25 Thursday

17 1 0


It's the second day of my period and it's starting to get extremely heavy and more painful and I hate it.

I randomly woke up and felt like I was being stabbed I started crying and carefully got out of bed and fell on the ground.

A couple minutes later my mom ran in my room and started freaking out my dad called 911 and my siblings stayed next to me.

I felt light headed and I passed out my mom was screaming for someone to help her baby.

I woke up to the sound of beeping and bright lights my mom was sitting next to me I said where am I.

My mom said the hospital you lost a lot of blood and your dad took your siblings to school I said ok.

A little while later a nurse came in and smiled and said hi Ms. Evens we found out why you are bleeding so much.

I said what happened she said you had a miscarriage I said huh she said you didn't know you were pregnant my mom said Elle what the fuck.

I felt my heart stop beating the nurse said I'm really sorry for your loss we will keep and eye on you for the rest of the day and she walked out and closed the door.

I immediately started crying my mom said Elle I can't believe you got pregnant she looked disappointed.

I said mom I was raped at the party she said what I said yea I was and Noah beat the shit out of the guy.

She started crying and she sat next to me and I told her what happened and she felt absolutely awful.

A couple of hours later Lee and Noah came to the hospital and gave me flowers I said I had a miscarriage.

Noah looked absolutely livid and Lee immediately gave me a hug and said I am so fucking sorry Elle I said it's ok Lee.

We all hung out and laughed together the doctors were able to stop the bleeding which was nice they gave me a birth control shot that I'm gonna take every three months.

After Lee and Noah left me and my mom ended up falling asleep a little while later I hadn't talked to andy all day and he's probably concerned right now.

I randomly woke up to a nurse coming in and also Andy I said hi he looked heart broken he kissed my head and said are you ok.

I said yea a couple minutes later the nurse left and Andy sat down next to me I said I had no idea he kissed my hand and said it's not your fault.

I said but I took medicine and I didn't even know Andy said you just thought your period had come I also told him I got put on birth control.

Andy stayed for a while until visiting hours were over he said I'll come check on you tomorrow I said bye and he left.

After I got comfortable in the bed I ended up falling asleep a couple minutes later.

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