60 a couple of weeks later

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Unfortunately we go back to school today but we only have a couple of months left of school then we are out of this place.

Lee is going to burkley and Noah is going to Harvard I'm really gonna miss them but we are growing up and going our own ways we all promised to stay in contact with each other.

I randomly woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room and changed and sprayed some body spray on and grabbed everything I needed.

I headed downstairs and went into the living room my mom and siblings were downstairs in the living room talking about random shit.

Lee texted me and said he bought us coffee and he is on his way I smiled and put my phone in my pocket and headed outside and waited for Lee.

A little while later Lee picked me up and I smiled and walked towards his car and got in and buckled up and smiled and said thank you Lee smiled and said love u.

Lee smiled and said I love you too Elle I turned up the radio while Lee drove out of my neighborhood we started singing together while driving down the highway.

A little while later we got to school and parked and got out of the car and we started walking through the parking lot together Noah met up with me and Lee.

I smiled and said hi Noah he smiled and said hey Elle how are you I said Andy is 28 Noah said he doesn't look like he's 28 he looks younger.

Lee said he does look really young for his age we all started laughing together while walking towards the school building.

Noah opened the door and we all walked in and started walking through the building I saw Andy talking to a assistant principal I smiled and bit my lip.

I started walking towards Andy Lee and Noah immediately started following after me I smiled and said hi Mr. Biersack he smiled and said hey how was your Christmas break.

I smiled and said good Lee and Noah started laughing and said our grandparents came down I said my brother surprised us.

Lee smiled and gave me a hug and said that's amazing I bet he missed you I smiled and said yea he did miss us and it was amazing spending time with him again.

Andy said um I think we should all get to class we said ok we all walked in our separate directions me Lee and Noah all went to class and sat down in our seats.

Jack walked in smiling widely and said hello my lovely people how was your Christmas breaks I looked at him and shook my head.

Noah shook his head and said shut the fuck up we all started laughing and I almost spit out my coffee I started coughing Lee said fuck and he started patting my back.

I got up and ran to the trash can and spit out my coffee the teacher looked extremely confused Lee helped clean me up Noah said shit my bad Elle.

Andy came in and said uh whats going on Noah said I made her laugh and she chocked on her coffee I said yea I'm ok.

Andy said ok as long as she doesn't die on my watch we will be ok Lee laughed and grabbed my hand and said we got her.

A little while later he left and went back to his office a couple minutes later the bell rung and everyone came in and sat down in their seats.

The teacher closed the door and walked back to her desk and sat down and took attendance and sent it to the principal.

I yawned and stretched and looked at Lee he said I wonder what we are going to do today Noah said I have no idea.

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