18 Thursday

22 1 0


I randomly woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and walked into my bathroom and closed the door. I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room.

I grabbed some clothes and set them out for school I set an alarm and climbed into bed and fell back asleep. A little while later my alarm went off and I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched.

My mom woke up my siblings for school and walked downstairs. I turned off my alarm and got out of bed and used the restroom then headed back into my room.

I changed for the day and sprayed some body spray on and put on my shoes and grabbed my bag and phone and headed downstairs. My mom said Elle are you sure you want to go to school today.

I said yea she said ok my brother said why we're you not at school yesterday I said my dad died. He said oh shit I'm sorry I said no its fine he said ok and gave me a hug.

A little while later we all walked out the front door and my mom locked it and we all walked over to the car. My mom unlocked it and we all got inside and closed our doors.

My mom locked the car and we all buckled up and she turned on the car and started driving out of the driveway. I looked out of the window and bit my lip and shook my head at the thought of my dad.

A couple minutes later my mom dropped off me and my siblings and she left. My mom told me if I needed her to come get me she would me and my siblings all walked inside of school.

We all went to our own classes i told Noah hi and he smiled and waved at me. I walked over to Lee and he stood up and gave me a hug and said hi Elle.

I said hey I'm feeling a little better but not really Lee said ah yeah thats completely understandable. I sat down in my chair and put my phone down he said we aren't doing anything.

I laughed and said yea I didn't think so Noah walked over to us and gave me a hug. I said hi Noah and laughed he pulled back and sat down in front of me.

Noah said Elle where have you been Lee said Noah leave her alone she doesn't want to talk about it. Noah said damn Lee it was just a question I said my dad died.

Noah went quiet and said oh shit Elle I'm so sorry I said no its ok you were curious as too where I was. He said yea thats awful I said yesterday I cried so hard I almost threw up.

Lee said Jesus I said yea my dad was extremely mentally and verbally abusive.

Noah said are you fucking kidding me I said no and also he would physically abuse me and tell me to kill myself.

I said he also told me he didn't want me and wished that my mom got an abortion. Lee said what an asshole I said yea and I lifted up my sleeves.

I said I started cutting at the age of 12 but started listening to black veil brides and they really helped me. I saw a tattoo hand on my wrist and we all looked up at Andy.

Andy said Elle I'm so sorry your father did that to you I said no its ok I'm just happy my parents got divorced. He smiled and said yea your mom told me about the abuse he put you guys through.

I said really he said yea yesterday when she dropped off your siblings she came into my office and broke down and told me everything. I said oh and felt my breath hitch in my throat and he let my wrist go.

Andy said I'm here if you need anything I talked to all of your teachers and they don't mind if you walk out of class and come to my office.

I smiled and said thanks he smiled and said no of course I care about you and my other students as well. Andy said alright if you need anything you know where my office is.

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