21 Sunday

24 1 0


I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched I rolled onto my back and my head started pounding.

I said oww what the fuck is this bullshit Andy woke up and said hang over. I said ugh make it fucking stop Andy laughed and got up.

I sighed and felt like I wanted to puke my guts up Andy handed me pills and some water. I smiled and said thanks he said your welcome I carefully got up and Andy helped me into the bathroom.

I used the restroom then walked out and instantly crashed onto Andys bed and he started laughing and kissed my shoulder and walked away.

I heard the door close and I stood up and bit my lip and tried not to cry I sat down on the floor and felt like shit.

I didn't want to tell anyone what happened at the party because I didn't want to be embarrassed about it. A couple minutes later I got up and walked out of his room and headed downstairs.

Andy was cooking breakfast he said oh hey your up I laughed and said um yea I am. He said ok cool do you feel better I said um yea I do he said you sure and looked at me.

I said um I don't plan on going to anymore parties Andy laughed and said yea I bet not. I mumbled only if you knew Andy said what was that babe.

I said huh oh I said what are you cooking he laughed and said eggs and bacon. I said nice and sat down at the table and waited for andy to finish cooking.

I do not feel the same anymore since last night when Jack raped me. I instantly started feeling embarrassed and felt like I wanted to throw up. I put my hair in a messy bun and said oh no.

I instantly ran to the bathroom and started throwing up Andy said hold on babe and he quickly turned off the stove and rushed in the bathroom.

Andy grabbed a towel and water bottle and knelt down next to me and started rubbing my back. I said go away he said no absofuckinglty not I'm going to make sure your ok.

I continued throwing up and Andy stayed beside me the whole time he said let it out Elle you will feel a lot better.

All I wanted to do was cry and scream at the same time because of what happened last night. A little while later I finally stopped throwing up and sat again the wall.

Andy flushed the toilet and cleaned my face and handed me a water bottle. I said thanks he said your welcome Andy got up and went into the kitchen.

I said its the first fucking week of school and this happens ughhhhh the fuck. A little while later I pulled myself off the floor and went into the living room.

I layed down on the couch and instantly fell asleep Andy said Elle and said oh shit she's sleeping. Andy tucked me in and sat down on the couch and turned on the TV.

A couple of hours later I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched I said I'm feeling a lot better. Andy said good I'm glad I smiled and looked at him and he looked at me and smiled.

A little while later I left and headed back to my house my mom said how was the party. I yawned and said good I drunk to much my mom laughed and said yikes I said yep.

I headed upstairs and went into my room and closed my door Lee called and I answered it and said hello. He said hey Elle are you ok I said yea why he said ok good because Noah beat the shit out of jack.

Me and Lee talked for a little while later until I fell asleep for the night.

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