43 a couple of months later

14 1 0


I can't believe it's me and andys anniversary I randomly woke up and yawned and stretched and checked my phone I smiled and texted andy.

ELLE: Happy anniversary I love you so much.

ANDY: happy anniversary babe love you too come over later for a surprise dinner 😉.

ELLE: OK I will definitely be over night.

I put my phone down and got out of bed and used the restroom and I also took a quick shower then I went back to sleep for the night.

A couple of hours later I heard my dad wake up so I got up as well I quickly used the restroom and brushed my hair and teeth.

I immediately started working on my makeup so I wouldn't have to worry about it my dad started getting ready for work.

After I finished my makeup I started working on my hair my mom woke up and went to go wake up my siblings.

My mom opened my door and said oh morning Elle I said morning mom and continued working on my hair she closed my door and headed downstairs and went into the living room.

A couple minutes later my dad headed downstairs and left for work for the day a couple minutes later I finished my hair and makeup and quickly changed.

I sprayed some body spray on and took a picture then I headed downstairs and went into the living room.

My mom smiled and took a picture of me my siblings came downstairs and said why are you all dressed up I said it's my anniversary.

They said oh ok and walked away I said whatever I grabbed everything I needed and headed outside to wait on Lee.

A couple minutes later Lee came and picked me up and said holy shit Elle whats the occasion I said me and andys anniversary.

Lee smiled and said happy anniversary I smiled and said thank you and I buckled up and we started driving out of the neighborhood.

I noticed Noah get behind me and Lee I said um what the hell Lee said he's late and we started laughing together I smiled and shook my head.

Lee said I got our coffee before I picked you up I said lee that's so sweet of you he said I know and I smiled and gave him a hug.

I started drinking my coffee and smiled widely and looked at all the cars passing by me and Lee Noah stayed behind us the whole time.

A little while later we all finally got to school and parked and walked through the parking lot together Noah said what's  the special occasion Elle.

I smiled and said my anniversary Noah smiled and said congratulations I smiled and said thank you and I gave him a hug and we all continued walking together.

A couple minutes later we all finally got into the school building every one turned and looked at me I said oh what the fuck.

Noah and Lee started laughing together I said ugh stop staring at me people I don't have three heads the actual fuck.

Andy was standing outside of the front office greeting people I looked at him and smiled andy looked up at me and smiled and waved.

I smiled and continued walking to class with Lee and Noah Lucy and Jack were laughing together while looking at me Noah and Lee.

I rolled my eyes and we got to class and went to our seats I noticed a vase with roses in it I smiled and said what the hell.

Lee and Noah said ohhh Elle you got a secret admirer and Noah winked at me and sat down in his seat I pulled the card and it said happy anniversary I love you.

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