28 Monday

18 1 0


I was busy doing a lot of laundry yesterday and I also worked on some chores and also ended up having a spa day and spent time with my family.

I woke up to the sound of my dad getting ready for work then he left and headed to work for the day.

A little while later my mom woke up my siblings then she came and woke me up and headed downstairs and went into the living room.

I got out of bed and got ready for the day then I grabbed everything I needed and headed downstairs and went into the living room and sat down on the couch.

A couple minutes later we left and headed to school unfortunately after my mom dropped us off she left and headed home.

I headed inside and I saw Lucy she was busy talking to jack and laughing and flirting I shook my head and rolled my eyes.

I saw Noah and Lee and gave them a hug and smiled and said um Lucy is flirting with Jack Noah rolled his eyes and said lmao of course.

A couple minutes later we all headed into our class and sat down in our seats and waited for class to start.

Jack was sitting in his seat and Noah was next to me and Lee was next to me as well which made me feel better.

Jack turned and looked at me and said hi Elle I rolled my eyes and looked at my phone and didn't say anything.

Jack turned back around and looked at the board and waited for class to start as well.

A little while later class started and we all talked about the worksheet I sighed and said ugh this is too much.

We spent time talking about the worksheet and I sighed and answered the questions which made me feel better.

A hour later class ended and everyone walked out of the room and headed to their next class.

I stopped by andys office and told him morning and headed to my next class for the day with Noah and Lee.

Noah and Lee have football practice today so I'm excited to watch them since it's a beautiful day.

Lucy walked in front of me I said shit because Noah and Lee were in front of me walking towards class.

I said can I help you Lucy she smacked me and I said what the fuck she said that's what you get for sleeping with my boyfriend you dumb whore.

Every one stopped and looked at us my cheek started throbbing and Lucy huffed and walked away I couldn't move because I was shocked.

Noah and Lee immediately ran over to me and pulled me to the nurses office I said what the fuck.

Andy walked out of his office and saw my face and said what the hell happened I said I got smacked in the face.

After we got to the nurses office I got an ice pack and I kept it on my cheek Noah and Lee went to their class for this period.

An hour later the bell rung and I threw the ice pack away and headed down the hallway towards my next class.

Andy ended up walking me to my class so nothing would happen to me after I got to class Andy left and headed back to his office.

Me Noah and Lee made jokes all through out the class period which was a lot of fun.

A couple of hours later school finally ended and everyone walked out of the building and me Lee and Noah all headed to the football field.

I watched the guys play football I cheered them on and also played on my phone for a while.

An hour later practice ended and everyone walked off the field Lee ran over to me and hoisted me up.

I started laughing and said you smell like a dog he laughed and started rubbing his face against mine and I said ew.

After we got to the parking lot I told Noah bye and he jumped on his motorcycle and left.

Me and Lee jammed out to music on the way to my house we ended up picking up food and eating inside the car.

A little while later Lee dropped me off and left and headed to his house for the night.

I headed inside and closed locked the door and headed upstairs and got ready for bed my family was in the living room watching movies.

After I finished getting ready for bed I headed downstairs and hung out with my family for a while until we all went to bed for the night.

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