48 friday

12 1 0


I randomly woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and used it then headed back into my room.

I drank some coffee then I decided to do some yoga so it would help me be able to go back to sleep for the night.

A hour later I used the restroom then I went back to sleep for the night since I was extremely exhausted.

A couple of hours later my dad woke up and woke up me and my siblings then he went back into his room and got ready for work.

My mom woke up a couple minutes later and she used the restroom then she went downstairs and went into the living room.

I woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room.

I can't believe me and Andy are getting eloped tomorrow I'm super excited and nervous about it I bit my lip and changed.

After I finished changing I sprayed some body spray on and grabbed everything I needed and headed downstairs and went into the living room.

My mom said Elle tomorrow is the big day I smiled and said I know I can't believe it I said andys parents got in yesterday so they are at his house.

My mom said I'm super excited to meet his parents tonight I smiled and said me too someone started knocking on the door and I answered it.

Amy and Chris smiled and said hi you must be Elle I smiled and said come in I closed the door and we all went into the living room.

My mom smiled and introduced herself and my siblings my mom laughed and said I am not awake or put together Amy and Chris laughed and said no its ok.

I smiled and heard lees horn I sighed and said I gotta go love you guys I got up and walked out the house and closed the door and ran towards lees car.

Lee opened my door and I smiled and got in and closed the door and he started driving out of my neighborhood.

I said andys parents came over this morning Lee said so what do you think about them I smiled and said they are so sweet and amazing.

Lee said good I'm glad I texted andy and told him his parents were at my house he said I'm so sorry I said no its ok they are both amazing people.

I put my phone down and turned on the radio while Lee was driving down the highway the sun was extremely bright I said Jesus Lee laughed and said bitch is bright.

Me and Lee started laughing together and I smiled and shook my head and bit my lip and watched the cars pass by.

A little while later we finally got to school and parked and we got out Lee locked the car and grabbed my hand and we started walking together.

Noah walked away from his motorcycle and met up with us and we all started walking towards the building together.

A couple minutes later Noah opened the door and we all walked in together I saw Andy smiling while talking to a teacher.

I let go of lees hand and walked over to Andy and smiled he said oh hey Elle how are you I smiled and said what are your plans this weekend.

Andy said probably going to the studio and doing some principal work I said cool that sounds like fun Andy said what about you Elle.

I said probably have a spa weekend and maybe go for a run Andy smiled and said that actually sounds like a lot of fun I smiled and said yea I'm ready for it.

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